
Essay On Autism And Occupational Therapy

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Autism and Occupational Therapy Autism is a developmental disorder that affects brain functions and impairs an individual’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Symptoms presenting early in life. Typically diagnosed around 3 years of age. Behaviors and interests are restrictive and repetitive. Rocking, hand-flapping, finger-flicking, jumping, spinning or twirling, head-banging, etc. Repetitive behavior may be a way to cope with sensory sensitivity. This sensitivity may also affect body awareness and the vestibular system. For example, rocking for vestibular stimulation Difficulty when routine is disrupted. Symptoms cause significant impairment in social and occupational functioning (AOTA Fact Sheet, 2011). Symptoms of Autism Fails to respond to his/her name. Does not enjoy cuddling or prefers to be alone. Has no facial expression or fails to make eye contact. …show more content…

Provide interventions that help with sensory processing and sensory integration. Aromatherapy, brushing, weighted vests/ blankets, heavy work activities, bear hugs, swinging, etc. Introduce activities that promote social interaction and communication. For adults/ teenagers, role play social interactions such as introducing themselves to someone new. Then apply what is learned in role play to a group activity. For example, invite a new individual to come in and assess how the client interacts with him/her. For children, use pretend play to encourage communication such as creating a pretend interaction between two stuffed animals or other toys. Use transition strategies in order to successfully transition from one activity to another. Normal preparation strategies may not be effective for individuals with autism. For example, verbal instructions, such as, ‘Put your things away, we are about to eat dinner.’, may not register to the individual because autism makes following directions very

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