
Eating Disorders Effect On Society

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It’s your fault! Nobody else but you! We created the viewpoint of what’s beautiful and now beauty is haunting us. There are so many teenagers that are victims of eating disorders. The disorder came into existence because we are shutting ourselves out from the truth. “Too many young girls have eating disorders due to low self-esteem and a distorted body image. I think it’s so important for girls to love themselves and to treat their bodies respectfully,”- Ariana Grande. Grande makes a good point here. As humans, we need to respect ourselves as well as others. Accepting that we are unique and view beauty in different ways, can only take us so far. It is society’s responsibility to stop eating disorders and make the world a better place. There …show more content…

We are all exposed to the mass media and not all of us are affected by eating disorders. Media influences messages that teach us about the ideal body and the best way to act. On average, people watch over three hours of television a day. On a typical day, children and teens are engaged in some form of media. As David Hinckley mentioned in his article, “The average American watches more than five hours of live television every day.” They’re introduced to new concepts that can corrupt their childhood. Not all of us are affected by eating disorders, but we all have self- doubt about our bodies. We are always worried about what people might think of us. People need to open their eyes and see the truth. There’s beauty in us and not everyone will see it. It can start as an eating disorder, but it can transform into something more dangerous. Eating disorders are deadly, this might sound dramatic, but it’s true. People die from them every single day and the numbers are growing rapidly. Media is the cause, but so are all of …show more content…

“The degree to which media contributes to body dissatisfaction, life satisfaction, and eating disorder symptoms in teenage girls continues to be debated. The current study examines television, social media, and peer competition influences on body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms and life satisfaction in a sample of 237 mostly Hispanic girls. 101 of these girls were reassessed in a later 6-month follow-up. Neither television exposure to thin-ideal media nor social media predicted negative outcomes either concurrently nor prospectively with the exception of a small concurrent correlation between social media use and life satisfaction.” It might not have predicted negative outcomes, but we need to come into understanding it is our creation. Couple hundreds were being observed, but thousands are affected. “Social media use was found to contribute to later peer competition in a prospective analysis, however, suggesting potential indirect but not direct effects on body related outcomes. Peer competition proved to be a moderately strong predictor of negative outcomes both concurrently and prospectively. It is concluded that the negative influences of social comparison are focused on peers rather than television or social media

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