
Eating Disorders And Eating Disorder

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“An eating disorder is about anxiety and control and healing from trauma and food and weight are just the tools of destruction” (Floyd, Mimms, & Yelding, 2008). An eating disorder is defined as a severe disturbance in eating behavior. An eating disorder, as defined by our text book for class, is psychological disturbances that lead to certain physiological changes and serious health complications. The three most common and most easily identifiable forms of eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. While most people who have eating disorders tend to be women from white middle-class upper-class families, eating disorders span social class, gender, race, and ethnic backgrounds (Floyd, Mimms, & Yelding, Eating Disorders, 2008). It is believed that most eating disorders develop as a way to handle stress. People with eating disorders tend to have low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, depression, and perfectionism. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 90 percent of people with eating disorders are adolescent girls and young women and the death rate for eating disorders is about one in ten people. Causes of eating disorders can include genetic, biological, social, psychological, and environmental factors (Schiff, 2016). If a person has a first-degree relative with anorexia, that person is ten times more likely to develop anorexia than a person who does not have a first-degree relative with

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