
Dunkin Donuts Vs Starbucks Persuasive Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Opinion Article: Make the changes you think should be made.

When you reach two o’clock p.m. you immediately start to feel sleepy and very irritable. If it was the weekend you could easily go lay down and take a nap but when you’re at school or running around at work you typically reach for the next best thing - coffee.
While there are various brands such as: Folgers, Maxwell House, and Chock Full O’ Nuts you can typically find everyone carrying a Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts cup. Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts are the top two competitors when it comes to coffee. I personally am caught between the two. On one hand, you have Starbucks, they have great tasting coffee but is very overpriced. Dunkin’ Donuts while doesn’t have all the flavors Starbucks has, is less than half the price of Starbucks. The amount of money you pay for a small ice coffee in Starbucks you can get a large one at Dunkin’ Donuts.
Which companiesnys coffee you purchase also depends on your location. For example, I live right by the …show more content…

If you never had a Caramel Macchiato you are missing out. It is the combination of salty/sweet caramel with smooth milk and a warm/cold coffee finish. It’s basically heaven in a cup - no questions asked. Dunkin’ Donuts while doesn’t have the Caramel Macchiato however, they do have caramel flavored coffee. It’s nothing to compare to the Starbucks Macchiato but, it is a close second.
If I was asked to pick either Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks, it would be impossible. There are certain factors that decide which company I will go with, too many to decide. It all depends on what mood I am in, what store is closest, and how much money I’m willing to spend. They both have equally good coffee and both built a good name for themselves. In the end you're ultimately just paying to advertise for the company because their label is all over the

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