
Does Energy Have To Do With Acid Rain Essay

Satisfactory Essays

November 1st 2015
To the federal government:
The purpose behind this letter to you is to inform you with the big issue that is taking place in our planet, which is the effect of acid rain on lakes and streams (aquatic systems).

Acid rain occurs because of the dissolution of acidic oxides in the atmosphere. When these two compounds are released into the air, they form acid rain, which are nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide S + O2 SO2, which is produced by natural means, like volcanoes and industrial processes such as the burning of fossil fuels (brown coal) C + O2 CO2. The two compounds dissolve in water and are carried very far by wind where they become part of snow and fog. Oxides from sulfur and nitrogen react with moisture in the clouds …show more content…

Though acid rain is a big issue, there are ways it can be prevented. One of the biggest ways acid rain can be stopped is by lowering your energy consumption. Now you might think, ‘what does energy have to do with acid rain’? It actually has a big affect. By switching off the lights when you leave a room, turning off your computers & televisions when they aren’t being used. Closing the air conditioner/heaters when you leave your home can make a big difference, because when less electricity is used, the pollution from power plants decreases. Power plants also known as power station is an electric generating station

Another way acid rain can be prevented is by using fewer cars! There are so many different ways of transportation. You can use bikes if you aren’t going a long distance, you can use a train, if you live near a friends house you can car pool, and this all decreases reliance on fossil fuels. Cars also emit carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming which is affecting the environment. As the temperature rises, more rain falls, which increases the risk of heavier flooding. Ice is melting, and that is dangerous for future sea level rise. Also many countries already have very low water, and when the climate changes it changes precipitation patterns, and increasing droughts, which is dangerous because people are running out of water. But a positive impact is that electric cars are better for the environment because they only use battery power, meaning there is no burning of gasoline or other fossil

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