
Discuss The Role Of Organized Crime In Cuba

Decent Essays

1) With the advent of prohibition in the United States, organized crime came to play a significant role in Cuba. Infamous gangsters arrived on the island to drink, gamble, and smuggle alcohol back to the main land. Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista profited from such a corrupt system, acting as an intermediary between Cuba and the mafia and making millions off of his cut. As a result, Cuba became an “El Dorado” for American gangsters, where they could make huge profits and launder their illegally made money without being hassled by the police. As Batista enriched himself, however, the income disparity between the Cuban rich and poor worsened. President Grau did little to stop the mafia when he was in power, and when Fulgencio Batista returned from Florida to run for the presidency (again), his involvement with mafia member Meyer Lansky and other elite American interests deepened as they helped fund his …show more content…

Sensing he was going to lose, Batista staged a military coup and retook power. Batista and his friends, however, were no longer focused on political goals. Instead, they were bent on preventing the Orthodox Party (which wanted to cleanse Cuba of corruption) from gaining office and on continuing the dominance of the elite in Cuba by repressing opposition and leftist political groups. As Cuba became a bloody police state, however, American businesses stopped investing in Cuba, causing the nation to slowly deteriorate and forcing Batista to use repressive force to retain a chaotic hold on the country. He no longer represented the people and his corruption and dependence on illegal American had left him vulnerable to power erosion, forcing him to rely on torture and violence to maintain the façade of a stable Cuba. Such brutality, however, only hastened

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