
Cuba And America Summary

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1. Summarize perspective of author; list 3 reasons for their stance for or against normalization.

Jon Lee Anderson’s, “Cuba and America: The End of an Estrangement” is an article written in favor of the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States of America. Anderson begins with suggesting that US-Cuba relations are out of date by providing details of the two countries past history of conflict. Secondly, the author states that Cuba has abandoned most of its uncompromising positions and is better prepared for restoring relations with the US than ever before. Lastly, it is mentioned that US President Barak Obama has the intentions to restore relations and has publically denounced the 1962 embargo with Cuba- a grand gesture in hopes of normalizing relations.

2. 2nd opinion piece that disagrees with the article; list 3 reasons why they disagree with the analysis of the 1st author …show more content…

In the beginning of the article, he argues that normalizing diplomatic would be “inconceivable” due to the State Department’s declaration of Cuba as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” It is also stated that there is bipartisan support, which includes Cuban-American leaders, against the Castro command. Finally, Cuba frequently undercuts important United States interests; one example is the country’s “ally” status with countries like Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria,

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