
Criticism Of Cultural Relativism

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Cultural relativism is the theory where there is no objective truth in morality, and moral truths are determined by different cultures. The primary argument used to justify cultural relativism is the cultural differences argument, which claims different cultures have different moral practices and beliefs, therefore, there is no objective truth in morality (Newton). After reading James Rachels The Challenge of Cultural Relativism, I find his criticisms to be persuasive because the argument made for Cultural Relativism is not sound from a logical point of view. You cannot draw a conclusion about what is factual based on what people believe is factual. Rachels also points out that even though cultures do in fact disagree about moral values, …show more content…

In our country, someone who likes to be helpful is considered a model citizen, whereas in his own country he would be considered “abnormal” (Benedict p.2). Benedict used this argue that like behavior, morality is culturally determined and that what can be morally right for one society can be considered morally wrong for another (Newton, Evaluating Cultural Relativism).
Where Ruth Benedict believed morality is relative, James Rachels disagrees. This is where I would have to agree with James Rachels criticisms regarding the Cultural Difference Argument. The premise argues that different cultures have different moral codes. The conclusion argues that there is no “objective” truth in morality and “right” and “wrong” are only matters of opinion, and opinions vary from culture to culture. Cultural relativists argue from facts about different cultural outlooks to the conclusion about the status of morality. Rachels uses the shape of the earth as an example. In some societies, people believe the Earth is flat. In others, people believe it is spherical. If using the Cultural Difference Argument, our premise would be that societies disagree about the shape of the earth. We would then conclude there is no fact of the matter about the shape of the earth (Rachels p.20-21).
This is not a logical argument because belief does not instantly imply truth. The premise of an argument is

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