
Essay on The Cultural Differences Argument for Moral Relativism

Good Essays

Ruth Villagra
The Cultural Differences Argument for Moral Relativism. Moral Relativism is generally used to describe the differences among various cultures that influence their morality and ethics. According to James Rachels, because of moral relativism there typically is no right and wrong and briefly states : “Different cultures have different moral codes.” (Rachels, 18) Various cultures perceive right and wrong differently. What is considered right in one society could be considered wrong in another, but altogether all cultures have some values in common. In Elements of Moral Philosophy, the author gives examples of such. For instance, a tribe of Indians known as Callatians ate bodies of their dead fathers; the Greeks turned to …show more content…

“ (Rachels, 20) Premises are supposed to support or provide evidence for the conclusion. To summarize, he believes that there is not one objective truth or a correct way to dispose of the bodies because although the culture’s actions are different, their beliefs have a common value to it. It is possible that the Callatians believed that through cannibalization, the spirits of their dead fathers would be within them and by cremating or burying their bodies it would be viewed as a sign of disrespect. ( Rachels, 30) If we were to look at the Eskimos example, Rachels argues that even if in our society infanticide is seen as cruel and an immoral behavior, it is actually quite logical because they are a nomadic tribe constantly traveling and rely on the males to hunt and provide for the family- the disadvantage would be having an overpopulation of females. He argues that cultural relativism supports this belief because moral ethics is just based on different cultures- “different cultures have different moral codes.” There’s a difference in opinion which means that you can’t judge the other and that there isn’t just one truth of which is right and wrong. However, Rachels also provides a different example that is actually a logical flaw that attributes to the Cultural Differences Argument. Some people believe that the earth is flat and others believe it’s round. He argues that because of cultural relativism,

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