
Crime Prevention Is A Rather Elastic Term

Decent Essays

‘Crime prevention’ is an extremely broad term that intends to change and shape behaviour or events in order to reduce the possibility or probability of crime. “Crime prevention is a rather elastic term, which at its broadest encompasses any activity intended to reduce the frequency of events defined as crimes by the criminal law” (Hough et al, 1980 cited in Doherty, 2005, p.126). Thus is can be hard to completely define crime prevention in one singular definition, as there are many areas that can be discussed and defined differently. There are different ways in which crime prevention is defined, these fall into two intertwining categories. These two categories of crime prevention will be the main focus of this essay.

Firstly there is …show more content…

Situational crime prevention ‘attempts to prevent crime by changing the situations in which crime occurs’ (Poyner, 1983 cited Sanderson, 1995, p.123). Situations which may have allowed crime to happen are altered to make crimes harder to commit by reducing opportunities for crime. This crime prevention approach focuses on the time and space within situations rather than the offender. Environmental conditions can be changed to reduce opportunities for crime by altering the design of the environment to create anti-crime spaces. For example, some residential areas are gated communities meaning that only those previously approved are allowed into the community, therefore, reducing the opportunity for crime as it is made harder for the criminal to gain access and commit a crime. Rational choice theory (Cornish and Clarke, 1986) can be used to explain why the use of situational crime prevention can be used, as the theory claims crime is committed by rational individuals who weigh the benefits against the risks. Situational crime prevention is used to increase the risks and lower the benefits of criminal activity (Doherty, 2005). However, although situational crime prevention does have its benefits, there are also many criticisms and disadvantages that emerge from this approach to

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