
Creativity and Read Ch.

Decent Essays

Week One: Introduction to Innovation, Design, and Creativity Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 Compare and contrast innovation, design, and creativity.
1.2 Analyze the benefits of innovation, design, and creative thinking in meeting organizational objectives.
1.3 Identify the internal and external drivers of innovation.
Reading Read Ch. 1 of Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity.
Reading Read Ch. 20 of Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity.
Reading Read Ch. 30 of Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity.
Reading Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.
Participation Participate in class discussion. 12/5/12 4
Definition Paper Write a 350- to 700-word paper that defines and compares and …show more content…

Both employees have been with the company for more than 20 years and have much influence among the rest of the employees. Management does not want to terminate such long-term and influential employees but need for Vernon and Bud to join the effort to make the company successful.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you define and discuss mental model/mindsets and their impact on you and your two coworkers.

Identify the four steps to changing mental models/mind sets and how you could use them to bring Vernon and Bud onto the team.

Identify the five forces that influence those mental model/mindsets of your coworkers and discuss how those forces might affect your coworkers’ mindsets.

Include examples of what mental models/mindsets are possibly affecting Vernon and Bud’s decision-making processes and affecting their relationship with the company.

Analyze your most commonly used mental models/mindsets that guide your decision making in the workplace. How do these models influence your decision making?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. 1/2/13 20
Learning Team Assignment
Creative Intelligence and Leadership Use the same Virtual Organization your team selected in the previous weeks’

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