
Colonial American Education Essay

Decent Essays

Articles written during a specific period gives the future population an idea of the issues present during that time. Before the United States became independent, woman education was limited to the skill needed to be a good wife and proper mother. Particularly, upper-class woman were the only ones that had the resources to gain an education. Most middle and lower class focus primarily on the education of their males. European education influence Colonial America’s educational system. Since there weren’t any establish convents schools in the colonies, tutors were primarily hired and later on schools were incorporated. During the first years of schooling, new England girls went to a coed school called “dame school”. In the dame school, girls were thought to knit and sew. Many girls got the chance to go to the town school. However, some town school in new England prohibited girls from attending. In the south, girls got the …show more content…

In 1845, the Godey’s Lady’s Book published an article titled “maternal instruction”. The article purpose was to make the American public aware of the need for equal education to women. The role of mother did not only meant to bear children, but also to educate them to a symbol of society.During the start of the 19th century, American males want the newly freed states to increase the citizen patriotism and intelligence to their country. Since women were child’s fist teacher, woman’s education needed to be more proficient. Mary Wollstonecraft’s novel was a role model for American education and family life. In her novel, Wollstonecraft explains how aside from a woman’s duty as a female, she also has the job to educate her child. However, the female sex has limits for the amount of knowledge passed, and the lack of knowledge restricts a mother ability to educate her child. However, mothers are nit the only females that need to be well educated. Daughters have to get a proper education not only to become a good mother but also good

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