
Capstone Of Reflection

Decent Essays

Reflecting on the Journey
Throughout my two semesters in CommSkills 1015 and 1016, I have learned a lot, and developed academically. The countless essays and speeches have helped me to become a better writer, and speaker. Prior to my time in CommSkills, I would write without a goal. I would sit down and words would go down on paper, but they never truly accomplished the goals that I had while writing. Through attention to MAP, attention to detail and practice I have come a long way. The Integrative Learning Rubric is a way of measuring how well students can use the knowledge they acquire from their studies in real life. Throughout my year in CommSkills, I have greatly developed my ability to reflect and self assess. When I started at Virginia …show more content…

It is also important that you are able to see these strengths and weaknesses in aspects of your life outside of writing papers and speeches. Once I realized why I struggled with procrastination, I was able to take advantage of it. I knew that I would always prefer to be doing something active so I used this knowledge to get a lot of hours in volunteering with the Special Olympics. Instead of procrastinating by going for a run or to the gym, I went to special olympics events on tuesdays and thursdays. I was not required to do more than ten hours of service work for class, but once I started I truly could not stop. I loved and still love, taking the time to support people with disabilities, but it did not only help them. I always leave Special Olympics events with a refreshed perspective on life. It puts into perspective both your happiness and the daily struggles we all face. If my friends at Special Olympics bowling can come every week with a smile on their face and put their best foot forward, so can I. We all face our own problems in life and working with the Special Olympics always redefines my concept of what is possible and what is

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