
Beez R Us Essay

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Growth Strategy

Beez r Us as one of the successful organic honey producer in Australia, it is planning to grow its brand by increasing the market demand. Firstly, instead of selling raw products to other honey brand, Beez r Us can sell its branded honey directly to supermarket and food stores within Australia, therefore, they bring more customers into the market. Secondly, Beez r Us can expend its brand to overseas, in order to bring customers from new markets. Especially export to China, which may have a great market opportunity since it has a great population of potential customers.

To do this, Beez r Us need to face the great competition from other honey producers. It is significant for Beez r Us to develop its distinctive assets to compete with other companies. As an organic honey producer, Beez r Us has obtained an organic certification for its products. Because of its unique and natural floral on Kangaroo Island, Beez r Us can produce higher quality honey than other companies, which can be its core competence. This is a unique asset for Beez r Us, which is hard for those large honey manufacturers …show more content…

Firstly, in order to meet different customer needs, the company needs to manage its product mix and lines. Beez r Us can develop a variation of products, for example, they can produce different size of bottled honey in order to meet social-cultural differentiation. Some large family size may need to buy a bigger size of honey, and people who live alone may need to buy a smaller size. Moreover, Beez r Us can also develop a category extension. Some of the category extension has already developed by Beez r Us such as soft-toys of bees, honey-flavoured ice cream and honey hand cream. The company can increase the quantity of production of these products based on their past selling experience. This strategy may increase the brand awareness of Beez r Us by different category users (Batra, Lenk & Wedel 2010,

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