
Basic Tenets Of Early Daoism

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Confucius taught many basic and important principles in the areas of social and political philosophy. His collected teachings where known as the “Analects”. The two general ideas of his teaching are called Jen and Li. Jen, stands for humane or humanity, which includes the idea of how man is different from other living things because of the sense of dignity and respect for others. Li, stands for the principle of gain and what people gain when they spent time and interact with one another. Other ideologies from Confucius are the ability to know right from wrong, the importance in honoring your parents and family and the understanding of authority when it is used to improve situations.
2. What are some of the basic tenets of early Daoism (Taoism)?
Daoism is one of the major religions in China, which was founded on the teachings by Laozi who wrote the tenets of the “Dao”. The basic idea is teaching and practicing “The Way” which “Dao” stands for. It is thought of the ultimate truth of the universe. It is understood as the basis of all living things and is a way of live with no extremes in evil or good. One symbol for this principle is “Yin and Yang”. Another key part of Daoism is the “De” and is considered as having integrity, virtue and morality. The ultimate goal for a Daoist is immortality which can …show more content…

The main beliefs include reincarnation, the belief that people are reborn after dyeing and that people are able to grow in knowledge and wisdom through this cycle of death and rebirth until they are perfected. The three basic practices are Sila, Samadhi and Prajna. Sila, stands for virtue, morality and dignity. It also understood as “treat other as you would wish to be treated”. Samadhi, is referred to as the mental development of a person and achieved through learning and mediation. Prajna is the practice of receiving enlightenment and wisdom through having a pure

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