
Daoism In The Philosophies Of Confucianism

Decent Essays

Daoism takes on many of the philosophies of Confucius, but added a spirituality part. At first, the religion of Daoism was only taught to the upper class; after awhile, the beliefs went to the other classes. The religion of Daoism focuses on the Dao, which means “the Way.” Since they believe that nature has a divine impulse, humans should only do actions that are in harmony with nature. The Yin Yang symbol is from Daoism, it shows that there is balance in the world. They believe there is balance in nature, for example, a man balances out with a woman. A major focus of Daoism is to appreciate humility and frugal living, people are to avoid excess. Daoism provided beliefs that filled gaps in people's lives which Confucianism did not. Confucianism

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