
Argumentative Essay On Screen Time

Decent Essays

Some may believe that screen addiction, or screen obsession is a concern for teenagers. Depending on the use for the screen time that may or may not be the case. In the article "Teen and Screen Time is a Problem, But More Study Is Needed" by Marc Potenza he states, "Some individuals game to the point of dropping out of school, or isolating themselves from real-world socializing" (Potenza). Although this may sound very disturbing, these cases can be considered extreme and most of the consequences may be mostly video gaming. In contrast, there are other uses for screen time such as educational purposes, or learning new things. Technology is all around us and it is not something that's going away anytime soon. Many kids these days have technology devices, even schools encourage students to further …show more content…

In this era getting ones hands on any technological device is much more easier than looking for a specific book considering almost everything is online. People of all ages can refer to the internet for basically anything now a days. Having kids learn how to use screen time productively and educationally could assist them in the future being teens to use it more as an educational tool. In a magazine by forbes titled, “ Research Says Screen Time Can Be Good For Your Kids” by Jordan Shapiro his input was “Interactive learning games are fantastic. You’ll be amazed at what they can teach your kids. But remember, they still work best when parents and children play together. This is the new coviewing. Researches call it JME: Joint Media Engagement” (Shapiro). Screen time must be taught from an early age so it is not taken advantage of as kids get older. Many teens can benefit from screen time when they do not get what they are learning or have a quick question that can not be answered right away. Screen time, if used properly can make life easier for everyone and a resource lots of people have access

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