
Argument On Gmo

Satisfactory Essays

After reading this week’s reading essay Virtue Theory and Genetically Modified Crops by Joshua Colt Gambrel my option on GM Crops have changed completely. When I first heard about GM Crops I thought that no good could from it, and we should not start using them in order to produce food. After reading Joshua Colt article I can see the good that can from using GM Corps. Using GM Crops allowed for the creation of golden rice that has health benefits that can help better the lives of people. At the beginning of the essay the author Joshua Colt on page 622 in our text book says this which I believe to be the main put of the article “ In this article, I hope to provide an answer to the question, are we morally justified in utilizing GM crops?” Which I believe this question asked by Joshua Colt is the main point to his article Virtue Theory and Genetically Modified Crops. In answering this question Joshua Colt talks about all the negative things that could happen if we start to use these GM Crops but he also talks about the possible positive out comes that can come from using them if we do it in the right way. The question that comes to mind after reading Virtue Theory and Genetically Modified Crops the question that comes to mind is what would be the proper way to use these crops in a …show more content…

The only issues that I can see coming from using these crops is human greed. Even though these crops can do great things fir example GM Crops were used to create Golden Rice that will go to people who are in developing nations whose diets are primarily constituted by rice. This Golden Rice will allow these people to get the needed about of vitamin A from there food. The Golden Rice being made by Swiss Federal Institute is a sign of the good that can come from GM Crops and as long as these crops are used in a humility way and not and a hubris I don't see why we shouldn’t use

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