
Antithesis In Hamlet

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Hamlet’s façade of madness enables his cunning use of words and acting skills that led to the revealing of Claudius’s guilt. But when the opportunity arises to exact his revenge, Hamlet’s mask of madness is off and his true-self hesitates to finish what he desired. Shakespeare’s use of antithesis, the change from verse to prose, dramatic irony, and sudden contrasting tone changes highlight Hamlet’s inner conflict of being real or mad, inhibiting his ability to commit to either revenge or to his past, leading to his downfall. Thus, Shakespeare demonstrates how the desire for revenge can ruin any mentally stable person as it will make them mentally insane. While Claudius and Polonius hide, Hamlet attempts to keep his appearance of madness with Ophelia, but his true feelings for her pour out. Through Hamlet’s creation of an antithesis and a paradox between “beauty” and “honesty” in verse, he continues to confuse and demonstrate his madness to Ophelia as shown by her replies in the form of interrogative sentences (quote act 3 scene 1 105-117). His inability to be clear with Ophelia demonstrates how detrimental his mother’s marriage with Claudius was in breaking his trusting with others. But when Ophelia continually submits to his hurtful insults from his facade, Hamlet’s true self is unable to continue and commands her to “[g]et … thee to a nunnery” (quote later). …show more content…

By suddenly starting with a declarative statement, Shakespeare indicates a shift in tone from a condescending tone to a protective and self-contemptuous tone by telling her to leave him as he is “proud, revengeful,

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