
Animal Rights Controversy

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For the fifth time that day, Mrs. Jacobs walks past the Miller's window where she stares at their family pug. All of her effort to not open the door is confined in hatred, this animal that doesn't deserve to be cooped up all day, being taken advantage of. All animals should be loved, animal critics argue, but it is not necessary for animals to be given rights because of their lack of communication with humans. The argument of animal rights has exploded in the last decade, creating organizations like P.E.T.A. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and A.L.F. (Animal Liberation Front) both of which are trying to enforce the government to create laws for animal rights. Animal rights have been a topic of discussion as early as Ancient Rome, …show more content…

What will happen to all the advancements in medical research, and will animals be put in prison or brought to jury? The American College of Surgeons has announced that animal research for education and scientific studies will not be able to be replaced, because of the life changing medical advances that animals have accomplished for humans. Cancer and HIV medications have depended on animals to test the effectiveness of the drug and the safety. "In 2005, AIDS patient advocates campaigned against PETA, criticizing the group for standing in the way of research that requires the use of animals for toxicity testing." (Lee and Cushman 4). Animal critics believe that animals should not have rights because of the huge improvement they had made on medicines with animal testing. Animal testing is not supposed to harm animals its suppose to find ways to help fight diseases for humans like: Insulin injections for diabetes patients, chemotherapy for cancer patients, stem cell transplants, vaccines for smallpox, polio, and yellow fever (Rich). If animals were given rights, researches with animals would have to be discontinued because it would be against the law. Scientists say it would be devastating and would be a hold to scientific advancement in the medical field (Rich). If animals were given rights, we can't understand them and they can't comprehend morality. Animal rights supporters argue that everything in life should have the same equal value. Some with higher thinking, such as forming beliefs about the world and to respond emotionally and animals that can do this can be granted natural human rights. This has raised a question to the logical end, "Consider, for instance, the relative value of a highly functioning great ape, capable of complex communications and sophisticated tool use, and that of a human child with severe cognitive disabilities, who will never learn language

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