
Animal Rights Amendment

Satisfactory Essays

There should not be an amendment to the constitution granting animals rights. The reason I feel there should not be any amendment is because they provide us with food, give us resources that we use daily and we also get long lasting clothes from using their fur or flesh. But I do believe there should be laws on how to properly kill animals we consume or use for their fur, flesh or meat.

According to the article A Change of Heart about Animals says “What these researchers are finding is that many of our fellow creatures are more like us then what we had ever imagined. They feel pain, suffer and experience stress,affection, excitement and even love…” But if the amendment were to be passed how would we be allowed to hunt and kill to get meat. Animals such as pigs, cows, deer, and chickens provide us with meat to feed our families and consume. We would not be able to continue doing this because in a lot of places they believe and feel this is cruel. How would we be able to survive without being able to consume meat? Not everyone in the world is a fan of having to becoming vegetarians and have to cut meat out …show more content…

They should not be abused or treated in a cruel way before being killed. Being killed in cruel ways now that I am against. They should have laws and procedures on how to do it right and not put the animals through so much pain and suffering. It should be as fast as possible so the animal being sacrificed for us does not feel as much pain. Animals feel everything we do!! Animals feel love, happiness, sadness and everything we do for example in the article A Change of Heart about Animals explains about Koko “Equally impressive is Koko, the 300-pound Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, who was taught sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and understand several thousands English words.On a human IQ tests,she scores between 70 and

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