
Analysis Of The Book Police Brutality By Jill Nelson

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Huey Newton co-founder of the Panther Party preaches to the minority communities that, “Black power is giving power to people who have not had power to determine their own destiny” which is movement that formed for self defense against the U.S government. The Black Power Movement established itself in the 1950’s branching off of the nonviolent groups established during the Civil Rights Movement. Two major Black Power groups in history were Malcolm X and Black Panther Party that focused on justice for the black communities. These groups primarily fought against police brutality in their communities. At this time the United States that was gripped by white supremacy. During this time, Flores Alexander Forbes a fifteen year old boy had been running at his football stadium to make weight for a game. He was blindsided by several police officers that kicked and continuously struck him with clubs until he was identified as a student. This is one of many unjust stories from the book Police Brutality written by Jill Nelson that describes the life of African Americans. The Black power is an important part of the African American experience because it explores racial movement groups and the connection with police brutality. Malcolm X was a black nationalist leader during the 1950’s and 1960’s encouraging to do all that is necessary for blacks to break free from white supremacy. This occurred during a very difficult time in Black history when the U.S government was predominately white

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