
An Definition Of Public Relations

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Public relations today is a complex profession practiced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Some public relations professionals are employed by a single organization. Others work for public relations firms that have many organizations as clients. Public relations people work for businesses, government agencies, professional and trade associations, nonprofit charities, schools and universities, hospitals, hotels, and many more types of industries. Unlike the practice of other professional fields, such as law and medicine, there are no regulations, but there is great responsibility

Defining Public Relations
For many decades both PR academics and practitioners have struggled to construct a single definition of what public relations actually are. In 1976, Rex Harlow made a bold attempt to summarize just what public relations are. Harlow started by identifying and analyzing as many definitions of "public relations" as he could. He ended up examining 472 definitions that had been put forth by other academics, practitioners and scholars since the early days of the twentieth century and interviewing nearly 100 current professionals. Out of that impressive research Harlow combined their common elements to produce the first global definition of public relations, quoted below:
“Public Relations is the distinctive management function which helps establish and maintain mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and co-operation between an

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