
Air Cargo Portal Services Brings

Good Essays

Question 1

Information systems have become a major part of the almost all industries including the air cargo industry. Information systems have helped the air cargo industry remain competitive, provide customers and other with an efficient and easy to use service, and has kept the industry up to date. In 2003, Cargo Patrol Services (CPS) opened for business as the air cargo industry’s first full-service Internet portal that provided the industry with an electronic booking and shipment management system. Without this new system, the air cargo industry would have suffered, especially after the September 11th terrorist attacks when investments in airline declined.
The purpose of the new information system was to implement a process that …show more content…

• Also, they needed to see if the new system is compatible and integrated well with their legacy system.

Question 4

The level of project risk is influenced by project size, project structure, and the level of technical expertise of the information systems staff and project team.

• Technology level is low. The Unisys aircargo system was already used by two of the three carriers (Air Canada, United, and Northwest), and Unisys also had the advantage of Web development and integration expertise gained from other projects. Unisys also decided on an object-oriented approach to reuse existing modules from its other projects: key technologies such as a weblogic server and a multitier architecture using J2EE.

• Project structure is medium-low. Unisys need to create a system that would work with the various legacy systems and the differing procedures used by airlines. The site had to satisfy the requirements of the three launch carriers and also make it easy for other carriers to adopt after the portal went live.

• Project size is large. The original broad design had to be broken down into detailed specifications, which took three months and required the three carriers to set aside all of their competitive issues and differences.

Structure Technology Level Size Risk
Medium-low Low Large Medium

Question 5

Air Canada did the right thing by going forward with his project. There was a lot of work involved since they met once a week and

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