
Advertising And Advertising

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Twenty-five billion dollars is a lot of money. This kind of money could hire 50,000 teachers for 10 years, power over 700,000 homes with solar energy, or even buy you 25 billion cheeseburgers from McDonalds. Instead of changing the world or indulging in the greasy goodness of fast food, more than twenty-five billion dollars is spent on advertising for alcohol, tobacco products, and prescription drugs. This incredible amount of money and the advertisement that it is spent on have an intense effect on the likelihood of substance use in adolescents in many ways. Companies that monopolize the drug industry should be required to limit the amount of spending use on advertisements and exposures that glorify and promote the use of substances such as alcohol and tobacco that is easily accessible to children and teenagers by at least half. In addition to the reduction of advertising, many different aspects of substance abuse prevention must be implemented by parents, schools, and the government. Advertising is a strong method used to spread a message or call attention to a product and the feelings that come with it. Many companies incorporate celebrities, humor, and attractiveness to advertise their products, which is very successful with all ages and populations. Unfortunately, this effective method is applied to alcohol and drugs. Advertisement of smoking and drinking ultimately glorifies these activities, which in turn make them appear as very normal, and research has shown

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