
Advantages Of Homeschooling

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Education is amongst the essential things to pursue in life. It is the most powerful tool to particularly have in this day of age. For hundreds of years, parents have been accustomed to specifically send their children to schools substantially controlled by the government or privately. However, some parents mainly choose to homeschool their children for various of reasons, which raises the question is homeschooling reliable? Homeschooling is an educational alternative that enables guardians to educate their kids at home as opposed to sending them to school. However, homeschooling wasn’t always legal. In fact, it was not until 1993 that homeschooling was legal in all 50 states. Since then the number of parents truly choosing to homeschool their children have significantly increased fairly contrary to popular belief. Homeschooling laws differ from state to state which has brought numerous of controversies in the past two decades. Some view it as a reliable way of learning, others view as a waste of time. The topic of homeschooling as an alternative route to education is a social issue that impacts America because of the advantages and the disadvantages that evolves around it.
Parents choose to homeschool their kids for various of reasons. One reason parents choose to homeschools their children because it has a safer environment. Religious association and cultures and traditions are mainly tied with these reasons. According to a study on adolescents use of drugs, homeschooled students were more likely to disapprove of alcohol and marijuana use and were less likely to use tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis (Vaughn). Homeschooled students are less likely to participate in unsafe actions. Homeschooled students are notably taught in their safety of their home. The parents are the people who are mostly supervising their children, which allows the students to grow and learn in a safe environment. Therefore, many religious parents choose to homeschool their kids.
In addition to that, not all public school across the nation are good. On the contrary, private schools can be expensive. Thus making homeschooling the cheapest reliable option. According to an article by Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), it suggests

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