
Why Is It Important To Be Home-Schooled-Teens-For-College?

Decent Essays

While the American public school system educates the majority of students today, a fast growing population is beginning to accept homeschooling as an adequate alternative. Anyone with kids desires only the best education and experiences for them. Those who face this decision have to take in the plentiful list of differences and decide which will suit their family best. For years, most people saw homeschooling as an ineffiecent replacement to the government-provided schools already in existence. However, in the last ten years, studies have proved that homeschooling well equipps a student for college and beyond, changing the minds of many( In order to make this crutial decision between public or home school, one must account for the social and extracurricular opportunites, the educational aspect, and what role the family plays in education. Probably the most well-known argument against homeschooling is the lack of social …show more content…

Public school is easier to get involved in, and is the better option for those purusing careers in sports, while homeschooling provides recreational-level sports and clubs, but they might only be available at a distance. Homeschooling has a more tailored education style and the flexible hours encourages the desire to learn and to pursue personal interests, where other students have to conform to the cookie-cutter class style of a public school. While family is the center of the homeschool system, parents are almost left out of public schools entirely, unless in the event of misconduct. Lastly, homeschooling requires purchasing textbooks and sometimes paying tuition, while simultaineously paying for other children to be educated through taxes. In conclusion, every child thrives in a different environment and the parents should ultimately decide what is most beneficial in their

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