
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Venture Capital

Decent Essays


“Everything begins with an idea”
-Earl Nightengale


The term ‘Venture Capital’ is associated with the funding of start-ups by venture capitalists, which show potential to make it big in the future. The venture capitalists earn by getting ownership equity in the firm. The main of form of venture capital investments begin after the initial seed funding. Venture capital is essential for the companies who focus on novel ideas, because it is difficult to get a loan from banks for it. INITIAL HISTORY
Georges Doriat also known as father of venture capitalism, opened up a venture capital firm, American Research and Development Corporation (ARDC) in 1946. The main objective of ARDC was to encourage soldiers returning from the world war. ARDC became the first equity firm to generate capital not from the wealthy families but other sources as well. ARDC invested …show more content…

For example, suppose you have a novel business thought however you don't have enough cash to adequately bring it to the market yourself before contenders enter the business sector , venture capital firms may permit you to rapidly make and grow the business, gaining market share and brand recognition before competitors enter the market.
As an organization develops, its worth has a tendency to expand, so venture capital firms can wind up making the original owner's stake in the organization more profitable.
From the point of view of a start up, Venture capital offers the potential for large sums of investment and is an attractive investment. Venture capital investors regularly bolster creative new businesses which have a degree for business expansions and can bring about higher returns when contrasted with interest in stocks and

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