
Essay On Venture Capital

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Venture Capital is a specific term that refers to funding obtained from a venture capitalist. These are professional serial investors and may be individuals or part of a firm. Often venture capitalists have a niche based on business type and or size and or stage of growth. They are likely to see a lot of proposals in front of them (sometimes hundreds a month), be interested in a few, and invest in even fewer. Around 1-3% of all deals put to a venture capitalist get funded. So, with the numbers that low, you need to be clearly impressive.

Growth is usually associated with access to, and conservation of cash while maximising profitable business. People often see venture capital as the magic bullet to fix everything, but it isn't. Owners …show more content…

There are specialists in each area and you'll find different companies with their own criteria.

FF & F - Family, Friends and Fools. Those closer to the business and often not sophisticated investors. This type of money can come with more emotional baggage and interference (as opposed to help) from its providers, but may be the fastest way to access smaller amounts of capital. Often multiple investors will make up the overall amount needed.

Angel Investors - The main business angels vary from venture capitalists in their motives and level of involvement. Often angels are more involved in the business, providing ongoing mentorship and advice based on experience in a particular industry. For that reason, matching angels and owners is critical. There are substantial easily locatable networks of angels. Pitching to them is no less demanding than to a venture capitalist as they still review hundreds of proposals and accept only a handful. Often the demands around exit strategies are different for an angel and they are satisfied with a slightly longer term investment (say 5-7 years compared to 3-4 for a venture capitalist).

Bootstrapping - growing organically through reinvesting profits. No external capital injected.

Banks - banks will lend money, but are more concerned about your assets than your business. Expect to personally guarantee everything.

Leases - this may be a way to fund particular purchases that allow for expansion. They will normally be leases over assets,

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