
Mcbride Financial Services Marketing Plan

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McBride Financial Marketing Plan
Based out of Boise, Idaho, McBride Financial Services is a small mortgage lender that is in its beginning stages. The firm’s focus will be in standard, FHA, and VHA loans for home refinancing and purchasing. The company hopes to increase its offices into Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. “McBride Financial Services will be the preeminent provider of low cost mortgage services using state of the art technology in the five state area of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota.” (University of Phoenix, 2005, 2011, para. 2). McBride Financial Services has decided to redesign it’s marketing plan so they can reach individuals that fit the profile of the type of consumer that …show more content…

Braime (2012), "Social media is an essential marketing tool. Not only can it expose your work to a world-wide audience, but it also gives you a chance to convert those audience members into paying clients.” (para. 1). The choice to move to social media advertising is an appropriate choice to connect with families and professionals to get word out about McBride Financial Services.
Radio and television advertisements focus on a wide variety of age groups. They break down the schedule to show shows at different times. The Prime Times are from 7PM to 9PM when families can watch a show together. They strategically place particular advertising to market to these individuals. Research must be done in order to determine which television and radio stations have the highest volume of listeners and viewers that fit this genre.
Newspaper advertisements focus on individuals that are around the retirement age and will only be effective in areas that have a high population of individuals that fit into this age group. Research into various areas to see where these target populations are highest will be important to determine where to advertise as well as in which newspapers, and then McBride Financial Services will see the business from the retiree targets draw to them.
Internet advertisements should be done strategically using niche marketing. This is a process of advertising a service or product on certain websites that potential clients would be viewing.

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