Animal’s People Summary and Analysis

Section Three Summary Tapes 9–12

After spying on Nisha and Zafar, convincing himself it is in protection of Nisha, Animal visits a street friend to buy aphrodisiac pills. He sneaks the first pill to Zafar on the day of the democracy meeting at Somraj’s house, where a heated debate ensues between Somraj and Zafar; it resolves in Zafar’s boycott of Elli’s medical clinic. Soon after, Elli and Zahreel Kahn hold a grand ceremony for the clinic opening, but no patients show up.

A foreign priest arrives in the Nutcracker to take Ma to France. She explains that her place is in Khaufpur, but she does not put up a fight. Ma sends Animal and the priest outside while she packs, and when they return, Ma is gone. Animal heads to Paradise Alley, where he finds Ma, still wearing the burka she had snuck away in, making chai with her friend and laughing.

The Khaufpuri continue to suffer. Many want to visit Elli’s clinic, but they follow Zafar’s boycott. Elli is baffled when Animal explains their suspicion of her. When she shows frustration that the people refuse her help, tolerating their dismal lifestyles, Animal encourages her not to give up; he offers to take her to meet the people and suggests she get to know Somraj, who may be able to end the boycott. The next day, Elli shows up at Somraj’s door and accuses him of orchestrating the boycott. Somraj remains calm but does not tell her it is Zafar’s boycott.

Animal avoids Somraj and the Chicken Claw neighborhood for two weeks until Farouq tracks him down and brings him to Somraj’s house. Elli is circulating a petition to stop the boycott. The people are shocked to see Somraj walk outside and sign her petition.

Animal agrees to take Elli to the “kingdom of the poor,” the place where his people live. He warns her to leave her medical bag behind and to pretend not to know Hindi, so that she may gain their trust. He, Nisha, and Elli make several stops around the Nutcracker, followed by a small crowd. Elli, exasperated, yells to “Animal’s people” that she does not understand them.

Animal walks Elli to his home outside the factory, and she is shocked by his lifestyle. Animal criticizes the way that she is like the other foreigners who look at Khaufpuri with fascination and pity and tells her that she doesn’t understand them. Animal and Elli walk back in silence, and he decides not to upset her further, for fear of ruining his chance for surgery.

Section Three Analysis Tapes 9–12

Although Animal’s choices—spying on Elli, poisoning Zafar, telling one of Somraj’s secrets—are selfish, animalistic choices for self-preservation, he does feel remorse for each of them; such guilt is proof of his human nature. And despite Animal’s effort to distance himself, Somraj’s quick forgiveness highlights his people’s unconditional acceptance of him.

Ma’s determination to stay in Khaufpur parallels Elli’s determination to treat the sick at her clinic. Ma is an outsider as well, there to take care of the suffering, but, like Zafar, she is wholly accepted into the community. She may be a Westerner of different faith, language, and culture, but she acts as a Khaufpuri. She has shared in their suffering and is another victim of that night. Elli does not possess this shared experience, so the Khaufpuris do not accept her. Despite her good intentions, she cannot even truly understand their suffering. It is this lack of understanding that drives the tension between Elli and the people.

Elli’s exasperation further highlights the outside perspective she cannot shed. Although she wants to help, she possesses the same perception of the Khaufpuris that Animal criticizes of the photographers and journalists. She seems to expect them to yield to her Western influence and feels shocked that they instead yield to community influence for unity. Animal’s explanation that she won’t understand them solidifies her place as an outsider.

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