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“Bartleby is such a great college time-saving tool! If I’m ever stuck, I can count on bartleby to have a thorough and easy-to-understand explanation that makes the topic much simpler!”
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“It’s helped me so much with statistics. For the topics we don’t have time to cover in class, the textbook sometimes made them confusing. Bartleby summarizes them straight to the point with steps.”
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“Bartleby helped me push past my writer's block by providing examples and new ways to look at similar assignments that allowed me to freshen my perspective.”
24/7 homework & writing help made for students just like you
24/7 homework & writing help made for students just like you
Solutions library
Double check your work
You can never be too careful! Use the solutions library to check your answers to chapter questions and make sure you’re studying the right stuff.
Plagiarism detection
Give credit where credit’s due
Plagiarism can cost you some major points, even if it isn’t intentional. Edit, cite, and review your essay with our essay editor.
Math solver
Not sure where you went wrong?
Enter your equation in math solver to get instant, step-by-step solutions. P.S. Check out our snap & solve feature on the app!
Citations generator
Worst part about writing a paper? Citing your sources. Don’t worry, we can do it for you in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.
Ask an expert
Get answers you can trust
Have a last-minute question and it’s too late to email your professor? Send it to one of our experts and get a response in as little as 30 minutes*.
Spelling & grammar check
Fix errors instantly
Don’t get knocked points for silly mistakes. Proof your papers for grammar & spelling and update them instantly.
Lit guides
Jog your memory
So many details, so little time. Use lit guides to review assigned novels with chapter summaries, character breakdowns, and more.
Essay builder
You have to start somewhere
Get the ball rolling with nine different essay outlines from our essay builder. We’ll help you sort out what information goes where.
Solutions library
Double check your work
You can never be too careful! Use the solutions library to check your answers to chapter questions and make sure you’re studying the right stuff.
Math solver
Not sure where you went wrong?
Enter your equation in math solver to get instant, step-by-step solutions. P.S. Check out our snap & solve feature on the app!
Ask an expert
Get answers you can trust
Have a last-minute question and it’s too late to email your professor? Send it to one of our experts and get a response in as little as 30 minutes*.
Lit guides
Jog your memory
So many details, so little time. Use lit guides to review assigned novels with chapter summaries, character breakdowns, and more.
Plagiarism detection
Give credit where credit’s due
Plagiarism can cost you some major points, even if it isn’t intentional. Edit, cite, and review your essay with our essay editor.
Citations generator
Worst part about writing a paper? Citing your sources. Don’t worry, we can do it for you in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.
Spelling & grammar check
Fix errors instantly
Don’t get knocked points for silly mistakes. Proof your papers for grammar & spelling and update them instantly.
Essay builder
You have to start somewhere
Get the ball rolling with nine different essay outlines from our essay builder. We’ll help you sort out what information goes where.
*Response times may vary by subject and question complexity. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers.
Wait, what is bartleby…?
bartleby [bahr-tuhl-bee] noun
Bartleby is the go-to, online homework help service for students everywhere. We pride ourselves in supporting students through their academic journeys and offer resources for every type of learner. We aim to help students finish homework fast so they can spend more time doing what makes them happy 😊.
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