
WORK BOOK Unit 77 level 2 HSC 3038 NCFE Essay

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WORK BOOK- H/601/8147 (HSC 3038)

Learner Name:

Date completed:
31 October 2014

H/601/8147 (HSC 3038)-
Work in Partnership with Families to Support Individuals.
Unit aim:
This unit provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to work in partnership with families to support individuals.
Credit value-4
Level 3
This workbook covers the following elements:

Learning outcomes:
There are seven learning outcomes to this unit-

1. Understand partnership working with families
2. Be able to establish and maintain positive relationships with families
3. Be able to plan shared approaches to the care and support of individuals with families
4. Be able to work with families to access support in their role as carers …show more content…

Different work commitments of family members if they are all in full time employment, distance, willingness to travel or restriction on time available, ability to travel or drive, as well as a good or poor relationship with the individual, all these can have an affect on the level of family involvement.

Question- (1.3)
Describe dilemmas or conflicts that may arise when working in partnership with families to support individuals
There can be many dilemmas and differences of opinion and/or philosophy in terms of appropriate use of funds, discipline, seeking employment, and relationships with extended family. For example, Issues deciding on the level and types of food supplied by families to the service user.

Question- (1.4)
Explain how the attitudes of a worker affect partnership working with families
It is absolutely important that I remains positive and supportive at all times. They should always listen to their opinion and should accept that their input will benefit the relationship between carers and the family of the individual. It would clearly be detrimental to the way the partnership should run if the carer considered they know best, started to be negative and ignored the input of family members.

Question- (2.3)
Describe principles for addressing dilemmas or conflicts that may arise

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