
Umuc Bmgt 364 Entire Course-Latest November 2015 (All Week Discussions and All Assignmentts)

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UMUC BMGT 364 Entire Course-Latest November 2015
(All Week Discussions And All Assignmentts)

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Theme 1
Who is the 21stCentury Manager? What are the characteristics of a good 21stcentury manager? What is the role of the manager in the 21stcentury organization? A manager is a person who is able to achieve organizational goals/purpose by working with and through people along with other organizational resources. The 21stcentury manager is a person who organizes, executes, and plans the …show more content…

Part Two
Businesses to continue to succeed must always maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The key to doing this has changed over the last century as is illustrated in our discussion in week one of the 21st century business challenges. Using your time line explain how the change in obtaining a competitive edge is reflected in the change of organizational theory over the last century?
THEME TWO: The change of value regarding human resource to the organization coupled with technology is shifting the design of organizations towards “boundaryless” and flat organizational structures.
Search the Internet and find an example of a boundaryless or flat organization explain how it is human resource centric. week 3 THEME ONE: The 21st century manager is a person who can implement the leader’s vision by creating processes, procedure, and short term goals that forward, the vision, purpose, culture, and structure set by the leader for the organization. The manager does this through the implementation of the four functions of a manager, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The four pillars of management function.
Select an organization that you work for, or have worked for, and identify the vision, mission, organizational structure (including the decision making flow) and the culture of the organization. Where possible use your course material to identify

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