
P4 Unit 9 Paper

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The product will appear custom made for the market segment that we have mentioned. The next step will involve carrying out advertisements, with proper marketing, ad’s, local coupons and advertisements everywhere that sells a soda. The advertisements should be mostly in fashion and entertainment magazines, not to mention facebook advertisements and other social outlets that have pop up ad’s. This is because most of our target clients prefer such magazines as opposed to Wall Street Journal. The next step will involve positioning the product in the market. Customers should be able to access the product with ease and convience. The products should be stocked in shopping malls and departmental stores in the market. Better yet lets construct an …show more content…

Such companies include Coca Cola Company and Pepsi. Such companies have the ability to offer their products at a lower price due to economies of scale in production. It is important for the product to cut down on overhead costs to ensure that they are able to offer the product at a lower price. Customers will be attracted to other products if the company is unable to meet their price expectations.
Product Characteristic Promotion
The first characteristic of the product that I would like to promote in my advertising campaign is the quality of the product. My advertisement will aim at pointing out the fact that the product is developed using the best technology in the market and this makes it high quality. The next product characteristic is the variety that the product offers in the market. The product has many different flavors, which include straw berry and apple. The variety offered by the product makes it attractive to most consumers in the market.
Most rival products in the market lack variety and this makes the product stand out in the market. The product will also be available in unique packaging that will make it very attractive. The packaging will also be in different quantities in the market. The advertisement will also aim at insisting the fact that the price of our product is affordable to our target …show more content…

This is because it does not contain technical features that are difficult to understand and use. The product is a soft drink and therefore it does not require training on how to consume. Products that have high involvement are in most cases electrical and electronic products. These require user guides and manuals in order for consumers to understand how to use them. In some instances, physical demonstrations are required. In the case of our product the most important bit is to aware ensure customers are aware of the locations the product is available. Our strategy will involve giving customers samples of their preferred brand of our soft drink. For those willing to purchase the product in bulk there will be free delivery to their premises. We will also give discounts to all our buyers in a bid to attract more

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