
HSC 025- 1.2 - 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3 - 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.4 Essay

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Diploma in Health Level 3
Unit 005 (HSC 025)

1.2 – 2.1

There are many different roles within the working environment. This being so, there are many different working relationships, however subtle the difference.
When working with another Nursing Assistant there seems to be an immediate understanding of what is required. Although the routine my differ from ward to ward, the tasks largely remain the same and are performed with relative fluidity.
When working with a Staff Nurse on something outside of my training, they will take the lead and instruct me in the task. The same can be said for when assisting doctors, physiotherapists and all other professionals. Each has their own role and it is important that they work within the …show more content…

We then load trolleys with the necessary paperwork and go from patient to patient, checking which paperwork needs replenishing and noting down what time physiological measurements etc. need doing and tidying the bed areas.
We then do a hot drinks round and update the fluid and food charts as necessary.
Next we help patients into bed. After gaining consent, we help them wash and get into their night clothes. If they need toiletting, the patient’s preferred way of doing so is used. The Dignity Policy is maintained at all times. If it is documented that a patient needs more than one member of staff to transfer them safely then we help each other to do so., thus sticking to Health and Safety and Manual Handling Policies. Usually at this time the trained nurses are available and are easily approachable and willing to help. After the patient is safely and comfortably in bed, we fill in the repositioning and personal hygiene charts as per Policy.
Usually, we start the observations around 22:00, reporting any NEWS score over 3 or anything untoward to the the Staff Nurse who will inform a doctor who may order an ECG, which I would perform and report straight back to him/her. This is an example of how communication and co-operation is so important to working in partnership. Any missing ‘cog’ in a machine could spell disaster, especially in the care industry.
More often than not, we answer call bells of patients requiring pain relief through the night. We take

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