
English 1101 Final Exam

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English 1101 Final Exam
DUE FRIDAY AUGUST 9, 2013 PLEASE SUBMIT AS A .doc, .docx, or .rtf file.
200 points.
Directions: Answer each question in a paragraph—be sure to give specific details and examples. Remember that each of these questions has multiple parts to it. You must type your responses out and hand it to me by the end of our class period.
Length: By the time you answer each question, you should have 5 solid paragraphs, or about 2 and 2 ½ -3 pages double spaced. If you are looking for a word count, I would like 600+ words.
Points: 5 questions at 40 points each for 200 points for 25% of your grade (all will be sliding scale).
1. Many students have confessed that there is a prevailing belief that English 1101 is not a serious …show more content…

The TAPR was very helpful in writing my papers and I realized throughout the course that it helped to organize m thoughts into a specific thesis and not scattered and confusing. In contrast I have struggling in getting started beginning the paper but once started the thoughts become more focused and I continue to elaborate. Conclusions have always been difficult and a struggle. Trying to say the same thoughts and ideas but without repeating or inputting new information info the final paragraph. I have improved much since beginning this course and looking at it more as a summary then a final thought has made this easier. I will continue to work on all of the items as I continue my education. Throughout my career there will always be room for improvement from my current foundation as this course expanded on the previous instilment that I had already received in early education.
The topic portion of the rhetorical situation is the subject or main focus of the paper. The next item would be the angle which is viewpoint concerning the topic. These two pieces make up the starting point for writing a paper. Also important would be the purpose or reason for writing as well as the readers, group of focus who will find use or interest in the paper. It is important to choose all of these items carefully. By mapping out this before starting my paper it has helped me organize my initial thoughts which

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