
Edu 695 Week 2 Assignment

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EDU 695 Week 2 Assignment 21st Century Skills and Standards NEW
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In this assignment, you need to think about 21st century support systems, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and International Society for Technology in Education Student (ISTE-S) standards and their relationship with quality instructional planning, delivery, and learner achievement. Using the Framework for 21st century learning as a resource, you will redesign or modify a prior activity, such as a lesson plan or curriculum project, that you created in a prior course. The redesigned coursework need to …show more content…

• Summary – Introduction/Conclusion (1 Point): In one paragraph, provide an introductory summary that concisely presents the scope and organization of the summary writing and a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes the key points of your summary.
• Summary – Modification (1 Point): In one paragraph, summarize the changes you made to address ISTE-S, CCSS, and 21st Century Skills and how your activity addresses each. Explicitly state how your redesign assignment provides evidence of master of PLO’s 5 and 7.
• Summary – Evaluation (1 Point): In one paragraph, evaluate the appropriate 21st century support system components that align with your redesigned activity and, using examples, evaluate how each influences learner-centered instruction and the creation of a technology-enriched learning environment promoting learner achievement and innovations. 21st century support systems include: 21st century standards, assessment for 21st century skills, 21st century curriculum and instruction, and 21st century learning environments.
• Summary – Reflection (1 Point): In one paragraph, summarize your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges.
Written Communication Expectations
• Page Requirement (.5 points): Two to four pages, not including title

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