Name: Suma Pole
Class: 362V (Work book Exercises 11 and 16)
Exercise 11: Using Statistics to Describe a Study sample.
1. What demographic variables were measured at the interval level of measurements?
Age, Income, Length of labor, Return to work and number of hours working per week.
2. What statistics were used to describe the length of labor in this study?
Mean and standard deviation were used to describe the length of labor. These were appropriate since mean and standard deviation can be calculated on an interval level of measurement. 3. What other statistics could have been used to describe the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer? Range could also be used to describe the length of labor since this statistic
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Answer: Mean = 97.12.
3. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the experimental group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Answer: The experimental group subjects scored lower on the depression posttest (mean = 13.36 vs. the baseline score of mean = 14.00), meaning that they were less depressed after the completion of the empowerment program. This was an expected finding, because the researchers hypothesized that the empowerment program would be beneficial to ESRD patients and result in a decrease in their depression scores. However, the difference in the depression baseline and posttest means for the experimental group was only 0.64, which is less than what might have been expected.
4. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research results? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Answer: The mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group were identical. Both means equaled 10.40, which indicate that there was no change in the level of depression of the control group subjects from baseline to posttest. This result strengthens the validity of the study findings, indicating that the empowerment program resulted in a decrease in the depression scores for the experimental group.
5. Which group’s test scores had the least amount of variability or
· How were measures of variation used in the study? What conclusions can you draw based on the variation?
a. The time (in years) it takes a sample of students to graduate college (Mean)
However, treatment four, 0.1296 (±0.608), represents that the mean was extraneous from what it should be (Table 1). The t-tests show how different the mean is in each treatment.
The demographic variables at the interval level of measurement were length of labor, and number of hours working per week.
8. The researchers state that the sample for their study was 28 women with a diagnosis of OA, and that 18 were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 10 were randomly assigned to the control group. Discuss the study strengths and/or weaknesses in this statement.
3. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the experimental group. Was this an expected Finding? Provide a rationale for your answer. The Experimental group’s mean depression baseline score(mean-14.00) was 0.64 points higher than its posttest mean score ( mean-13.36) because on the average the experimental group subjects scored higher on the baseline than after the end of the empowerment program. This was
The researchers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of measurement?
Age, Income, Length of labor, Return to work, and Number of hours working per week.
Discuss ways in which an evidence-based practice model might provide practitioners useful information for making decisions about the degree to which the treatment modality you selected in #3 is an appropriate treatment for the disorder you specified.
1. Describe the context (why it was done, the general interest and what the researchers wanted to find out) of the research and research question (what is the hypothesis). /10
Overall, there was an increase in the data set. For GPA, the mean was 4.025 prior to small group counseling and increased to 4.119 after small group counseling. The median went from 3.985 to 4.005; the mode went from 4.15 to 3.95 and 4.50. The standard deviations went from 0.215 to 0.229. For SAT Math, the mean increased from 619.2 to 636.15, the median went from 623 to 643.5, and the mode went from 625 to 645. The standard deviation increased from 16.036 to 20.86. For SAT Verbal, the mean was 585.15 prior to the small group counseling and increased to 595.05, the median went from 588.5 to 598.5, and the mode was 592 to 590. The standard deviation went from 15.11 to 16.197. For the Test Anxiety Questionnaires, the mean went from 31.45 to 24.25; the median was 30.5 to 23.5, and the mode of 28 to 20 and 37. The standard deviation went from 7.95 to 8.098.
Part B: How might each of the following concepts affect the results of the study?
Read each case below and determine what psychological disorder each patient might have. In your own words, state your reasons why. Type your answer directly below each case.
3. Sample Population: Who exactly was used in the study? How many? (Be as specific as possible.)
The number of participants involved in this study is disappointing. This study only included a total of 101 participants who were unequally divided into two groups. Participants in both groups received both a pretest and a posttest as part of the placement and data-analysis process. Unfortunately, a portion of those participants did not take the posttest. Due to the lack of information, I do not feel as though I have a firm enough grasp on the methodology of the study to replicate it.