
Book Exercises 11 And 16

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Name: Suma Pole
Class: 362V (Work book Exercises 11 and 16)
Exercise 11: Using Statistics to Describe a Study sample.
1. What demographic variables were measured at the interval level of measurements?
Age, Income, Length of labor, Return to work and number of hours working per week.
2. What statistics were used to describe the length of labor in this study?
Mean and standard deviation were used to describe the length of labor. These were appropriate since mean and standard deviation can be calculated on an interval level of measurement. 3. What other statistics could have been used to describe the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer? Range could also be used to describe the length of labor since this statistic …show more content…

Answer: Mean = 97.12.
3. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the experimental group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Answer: The experimental group subjects scored lower on the depression posttest (mean = 13.36 vs. the baseline score of mean = 14.00), meaning that they were less depressed after the completion of the empowerment program. This was an expected finding, because the researchers hypothesized that the empowerment program would be beneficial to ESRD patients and result in a decrease in their depression scores. However, the difference in the depression baseline and posttest means for the experimental group was only 0.64, which is less than what might have been expected.

4. Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research results? Provide a rationale for your answer.
Answer: The mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group were identical. Both means equaled 10.40, which indicate that there was no change in the level of depression of the control group subjects from baseline to posttest. This result strengthens the validity of the study findings, indicating that the empowerment program resulted in a decrease in the depression scores for the experimental group.

5. Which group’s test scores had the least amount of variability or

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