Chartered Management Institute Approved Centre
Level 5 Extended Diploma in Management and Leadership
Written Assessment – 5
Unit 5001V1
Instruction Sheet
Assignment: Unit 5001V1 – Personal development as a manager and leader
Level: 5
Lecturer: Ian Laing
Date of Issue: 13th May 2015
Date Due In: 26th June 2015
Format: Word Document submitted to: Assessment Outline
Candidates are to write an essay of between 2500 and 3000 words excluding appendices about how to improve their own management and leadership skills and competencies to help meet your performance objectives. You should
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I have completed the assignment in accordance with the Institute’s instructions and within the time limits set by my Centre.
Signed………………………………………….. Date ………………………………..
Centre confirmation of authenticity:
On behalf of Cofley Fabricom GDF Suez, I confirm that the above mentioned candidate:
Is registered at this Centre on a programme of study leading to the Chartered Management Institute Extended Diploma in Management and Leadership (Level 5)
Was given instructions to complete this assignment between the 13th May 15 and the 26th June 15, and has handed in the completed assignment within the time allowed.
The candidate is, to the best of my knowledge, the sole author of the completed assignment attached.
Signed………………………………………………….. Date………………………….
Name and job title……………………………………………………………………………..
The right-hand column, enter the page number, section and/or paragraph where you believe you have met the Learning Outcome that is being assessed in this piece of work. Enter “Not Assessed” for Learning Outcomes that are not covered by the work you are submitting.
On 07/11/2016 at approximately 1149 hours, I, Security Officer James A-10280, was notified by a guest of a African American male selling a iPod on the Tulalip Casino Gaming floor. I made contact with a guest now known to me as Wade Maurice DOB: 08/24/83, who stated that he was trying to sell the IPod. I explained to Mr. Wade that selling any items in the casino is not aloud, and he would have to leave all Tulalip Gaming establishments for no less then 24 hours. Security Shift Supervisor Randy Stewart was notified.
Contents Page Qualification structures Unit 5001 Unit 5002 Unit 5003 Unit 5004 Unit 5005 Unit 5006 Unit 5007 Unit 5008 Unit 5009 Unit 5010 Unit 5011 Unit 5012 Unit 5013 Personal development as a manager and leader Information based decision making Performance management Resource management Meeting stakeholder and quality needs Conducting a management project Financial control Marketing planning Project development and control Human resource development Managing recruitment and selection Being a leader Leadership practice 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
For the remaining parameters, we needed a tree that would not lose its readability and still provide good results; therefore, we chose a maximum depth of 7, since increasing it did not improve the results significantly, and would have made it more difficult to extract the rules and observe the results. Regarding the maximum number of bins, the default value is 32. As our variables were all continuous we could choose a lower number of bins and the one that yielded best results was
1. The cartoon is of a Mongolian man's head, with eight tentacles spreading out. Each tentacle contains unwanted things that the illustrator thinks the Mongolians will take with them into Australia, should there be an influx of immigrants. The head if the man is drawn in a menacing manner, with an unfriendly scowl and two buck teeth that have a gap the size of another tooth between them. The multiple alleged vices of the Mongolians include: cheap labour, pak ah-pu (a gambling game), immorality, small-pox and typhoid, opium, bribery, fan-tan (another gambling game) and customs robbery. The fact that the man is depicted as an octopus implies that the Mongolians are thought of as slimy, unclean and therefore subordinate and perhaps the fact that the Asians would get a 'hold' on Australia.
Under Part 4 of Section 4 we are informed when assessing capacity we must ‘permit and encourage a person to participate or to improve his or her ability to participate as fully as possible in making an informed decision which affects his future’.
The information that follows identifies the Units that form the Chartered Management Institute Level 5 qualifications in Management and Leadership. The Units are set out in a format designed to assist in identifying the presence of your current knowledge, understanding and capability at this level. To achieve best value in competing the document you should refer to your Centre Adviser who will guide you. The outcome of this part of your “Skill Scan” should assist you in the preparation of an action plan for your way forward to successful completion of a qualification programme.
You are required to prepare four short written statements and a brief reflection statement demonstrating your understanding and how you develop yourself as a manager and leader within your work area or in an organisation with which you are familiar. In order
The following questionnaire is necessary to guarantee the accuracy of the time estimates as well as the thoroughness of the assessment. Please fill out as much of the information as possible.
In this review, my own organization’s leadership capabilities and performance will be assessed. This review will be based on Computime Ltd organizational structure and I will be showing my own understanding of the leadership styles within the organisation, reviewing the effectiveness of my own leadership skills but also discuss the adoption of an effective leadership style to motivate staff to finally meet the organizational values and goals.
I verify that I have supervised sufficient work to enable me to say with confidence that this is the candidate’s own work. The work has been fully checked and these checks included looking for:
You must submit all of the above components collated into one file (with three different parts) and submit hardcopies of it before 2.00 pm on 26 July 2013.
The final copy of the assignment must be submitted in hard copy in class time and to the LMS/I drive and Turnitin by 3pm on the due date. The report should be typed into the electronic template attached. Please staple this task sheet to the front of the Extended Response Task (ERT).
General Notes Managing for Results Assignments Managing in a Strategic Business Context Assignments Managing Information for Competitive Advantage Assignments Managing and Leading People Assignments 31 31 34 38 42
“I have read the Student Academic Code of Conduct and this assignment complies with the Code”
I am herewith present my Assignment authorized by you as a requirement for this course.