3.2 Methods 3.2.1 Feed Stock Processing.
Three selected grasses (elephant grass, carpet grass and moss grass) was harvested within U.S.T premises, the grasses was washed and dried at room temperature.
Crushed fresh stems of the grasses was weighed, 100g of each of the grasses (elephant grass, carpet grass, and moss grass) respectively, was keep ready for acid hydrolysis to be carried out with different acids concentrations, hydrolysis time, and temperature was recorded.
3.2.2 Acid Hydrolysis of Grasses
100g of the selected grasses was grinded, and added 150ml of the prepared Molar concentration of acids (H2So4, HCL, HNo3 )e.g (0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%), the mixture was stirred for 1-2 hours for proper hydrolysis, the solution was heated to 70oc for 15 mines and were stirred continuously to allow uniform temperature by attaching a temperature control system (thermocouple set) the hydrolyses was allowed to cool to 300C before neutralized to PH of 6-7 with a known 0.5 Mole solution of sodium hydroxide.
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3.2.3 Preparation, and sterilization of growth media, Semisynthetic media was prepared using the following 2g of potassium chloride, 0.5g Magnesium Sulphate, 0.2g iron II Sulphate, and 0.5 yeast extract, all were dissolved in one liter of distilled water in a conical flask. The solution was place into an autoclave at temperature of 1210c for 15mins and pressure of 15 pria to destroy any impurity that might inhibit the micro-organism in the system and allowed to cool to
It gives the opportunity to provide structured feedback and reflection and recognise ay achievements as well as identify any performance issues.
Take each bag of popped popcorn and count the individual kernels that did not pop and record the data on the chart. Perform this for each
Restriction enzymes are a tool that allows us to pinpoint human identity down to single differences in our DNA. Work through the following simulation so you can see these molecular scissors in action.
In this assignment I will be choosing and describing a service user for my case study and I’m going to explain how some factors such as medical disorders, life style and many more may have influenced their dietary intake. Due to the data protection I will not be using their real name.
1. Ernestine Friedl says that the position of women is higher the more they are involved in (l) primary subsistence (as owners or controllers, NOT merely as laborers) and (2) the PUBLIC distribution of the product of subsistence. Use this argument to account for the position of women in Kung society. Make sure you use both part (l) and part (2) of Friedl’s argument. (Don’t worry that Friedl’s argument is simplistic; she is not trying to say that women’s role in subsistence is the ONLY factor that affects their position in society.)
-3 x 1.66 pts. = minus 5 pts. = 45 pts. out of 50 pts. = 90%
16. What family of instruments were the most important? The string family was the most important instrumental family in a Baroque orchestra.
The role of an enzyme is to catalyse reactions within a cell. The enzyme present in a potato (Solanum Tuberosum) is catechol oxidase. In this experiment, the enzyme activity was tested under different temperature and pH conditions. The objective of this experiment was to determine the ideal conditions under which catechol oxidase catalyses reactions. In order to do this, catechol was catalyzed by catechol oxidase into benzoquinone at diverse temperatures and pH values. The enzyme was exposed to its new environment for 5 minutes before the absorbance of the catechol oxidase was measured at 420 nm using a spectrophotometer. The use of a spectrophotometer was crucial for the collection of data in this experiment. When exposed to hot and cold temperatures, some enzymes were found to denature causing the activity to decrease. Similarly, when the pH was too high or low, then the catechol oxidase enzyme experienced a significant decrease in activity. It can be concluded after completing this experiment that the optimal pH for catechol oxidase is 7 and that the prime temperature is 20º C. Due to the fact that the catechol oxidase was only tested under several different temperatures and pH values, it is always possible to get a more precise result by decreasing the increments between the test values. However, our experiment was able to produce accurate results as to the
In the exercise # 2 we observed the effect of substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, pH and temperature on enzyme activity. All the data showed that once potato extract was added to catechol and water the reaction varied dependent on the level of catechol. As in
The experiments involved PH buffers of different pH were added to potato juice, water, and the enzyme catecholase. The mixture was then subjected to spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 420nm taking the absorbance readings. In the second experiment, a phosphate buffer of PH 7.0 was used in different measures together with different measurement of potato juice and the enzyme catecholase then subjected to the spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 420nm. The data collected inform of table and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as line graph and later interpreted, showing that PH and enzyme concentration do affect the rate of enzyme reaction
2. Working according to the agreed ways means following the organisation’s policy and procedures in relation to pressure areas. It also means following the individual care plans and respecting the instructions in place. For example making sure a resident is turned every two hours, applying Cavilon cream on areas; fill in turning charts, prompt fluid intake. Under the duty of care a care assistant must always be aware of and raise concerns regarding possible pressure areas. Always record information in care plans accurately and in confidentiality.
1.An extensive network of specialized cells that carry information to and from all parts of the body is called the nervous system.
The aim of my investigation is to see how pH affects the activity of potato tissue catalase, during the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to produce water and oxygen.
051. Experiment with Hydroponics (Use seedlings started from seed with three types of soil and different rates of fertilizer) [Exp]