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Project assessment Criteria Unit code and name CHCDIV002 | Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Qualifica2on/Course code and name Choose an item Student details Student number 807274708 Student name Ruqayya Abdu Assessment declara2on Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declara:on on the TAFE NSW online learning plaBorm when you upload your assessment. This assessment is my original work and has not been: plagiarised or copied from any source without providing due acknowledgement. wriMen for me by any other person except where such collaboraOon has been authorised by the Teacher/Assessor concerned. Student signature and date RUQAYYA ABDU 15/6/2024 Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 1 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
Version: 20220630 Date created: 6 July 2018 © 2022 TAFE NSW RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2022 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. InformaOon contained in this document is correct at the Ome of prinOng: 27 October 2023. For current informaOon please refer to our website or your Teacher/Assessor as appropriate. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 2 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
Assessment instruc2ons Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 3 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
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Table 1 Assessment instrucOons Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 4 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
Assessment details Instruc2ons Assessment overview The objecOve of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance in promoOng Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety. Assessment event number 2 of 3 Instruc2ons for this assessment This is a project-based assessment that assesses your knowledge and performance of the unit. This assessment is in 1 part: Cultural Safety Framework And is supported by: Assessment feedback Note : This assessment may contain links to external resources. If a link does not work, copy and paste the URL directly into your browser. Submission instruc2ons On compleOon of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning plaeorm. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submiMed to TAFE and complete the assessment declaraOon when submifng the assessment. What do I need to do to achieve a sa2sfactory result? To achieve a saOsfactory result for this assessment you must answer all the quesOons correctly. If a resit is required to achieve a saOsfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed Ome ager a suitable revision period. What do I need to provide? TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601. Computer or other device with word processing sogware and internet access WriOng materials, if required Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 5 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
What the Teacher/ Assessor will provide Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporOng documents or links. Computers, reference text, organisaOonal policy etc that is referenced in the assessment. These may be hard copy or made available online. Due date Time allowed Loca2on Enter due date 4 hours (indicaOve only) Assessment is to be completed out of class. Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relaOon to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal noOficaOon of the result of the assessment. If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student AdministraOon Officer. Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus. Assessment details Instruc2ons Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 6 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
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Specific task instruc2ons The instrucOons and the criteria in the tasks and acOviOes will be used by your Teacher/ Assessor to determine if you have saOsfactorily completed this assessment event. Use these instrucOons as a guide to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills. Important self-awareness warning For students compleOng this assessment, there are specific quesOons that relate to the historical experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and the current impact of those experiences. It is important that students access their local Aboriginal Student Support Services or email if they find the content of this assessment upsefng or distressing. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 7 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
Part 1: Cultural safety framework You are required to research informaOon and develop a drag Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety framework using the template provided. As this is a dra* framework, you are NOT being asked to develop OR implement a full plan or policy. When developing the drag framework, you must demonstrate the following: Research and use informaOon from reliable sources that authenOcally reflect Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander informaOon, such as the Australian Bureau of StaOsOcs, State Government websites etc. Ensure the framework demonstrates respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. The framework must include: 1. Introduc2on/Purpose a) Explain why your service requires a cultural safety framework; b) Provide an overview of the cultural demographic in your service; and c) Explain the framework outcomes, indicaOng how it will support employees and customers/clients (NOTE: you will need these outcomes to complete your evaluaOon) 2. Scope Read the transcripts about EvaluaOng Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety and Cultural Safety Frameworks – key factors and summarise the key aspects that will need to be covered in your framework 3. Programs and services strategies a) Outline and describe work pracOces and communicaOon techniques that would demonstrate respect for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. b) IdenOfy situaOons that would require interpreters, colleagues, or support workers to act as cultural brokers. c) IdenOfy two strategies that support the development of effecOve partnerships between staff and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communiOes. d) IdenOfy three resources to promote partnership with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (For example, ReconciliaOon Australia’s website). e) Explain how your strategies will promote and enables self-determinaOon and community control in programs and services. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 8 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
4. Evalua2on Using the SMART model: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound a) IdenOfy how the framework strategies will be measured against the desired outcomes explained in the framework purpose. b) Explain how Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people will be involved in evaluaOons. c) Ager you submit this assessment, your assessor will provide you with feedback on your outcomes when they mark your assessment, any revisions will need to be incorporated into your presentaOon in Assessment three. This feedback will be provided in the template below. 5. References/sources used Provide a list of the sources used in the development of the framework. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 9 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
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DraQ Framework template (can be used by students to scaffold their response) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander draQ cultural safety framework 1. Introduc2on/Purpose A mobile sexual health clinic is the service offered. The clinic will travel to towns in rural New South Wales and establish a temporary locaOon there for a fortnight. During these two weeks, the Rover Clinic is providing fully subsidised health tests, informaOon, and help related to sexual and reproducOve health. Every month, it will return to each remote town in New South Wales that was visited during that Ome, allowing for the development of relaOonships and the provision of adequate care for service users. In addiOon to in-person interacOons, this service will offer a website with dates for visits and educaOonal materials for those who can access it. The purpose of the cultural framework is to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (TSI) who use the rural sexual health clinic accessible and authenOc cultural support. The framework's purpose is to provide regulated guidelines that employees must adhere to when giving any kind of care to paOents who are Indigenous. It is also a means for staff members to evaluate their capacity to serve, educate, and assist young people and teens who are sexually acOve. It involves changing the way that sexual health educaOon and services are currently delivered and tailoring them to the intended audience in order to give a more competent and approachable service as a whole. Though the programme is open to all individuals in need, my cultural demographic is focused on the age group that is most affected by pregnancy among TSI and Aboriginal people, namely teens and young adults (AIHW, 2022). The sexual health programme welcomes adults and the elderly who want to learn more so they can educate and help the coming generaOons by passing on what they learn to their children or grandkids. The purpose of this service is to improve sexual health and educaOon for rural indigenous peoples by offering general and indigenous-focused services and informaOon. Access to contracepOve methods and STI prevenOon are two examples of general informaOon and services. In response, Indigenous- focused programmes and informaOon can address reproducOve health issues, personal culturally separated experiences, and trauma that has been passed down through generaOons. 2. Scope The specificity needed to make Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural frameworks relatable and indigenous-focused is ogen lacking. Cultural safety frameworks must be a journey for Aboriginal and TSI people, not merely a predetermined amount of Ome for tokenisOc or surface-level help. They must be involved from the outset of building the framework and conOnuously to guarantee that the help being given is what is needed or demanded.Regular check-ins with input from TSI and Aboriginal people are necessary for frameworks, which should also be reasonably priced and conveniently located. The most crucial jusOficaOon for safety frameworks is to consider all relevant factors, including knowledge, respect, inclusiveness, and indigenous people's empowerment. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 10 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
3. Programs and services strategies a) Outline and describe work pracOces and communicaOon techniques that would demonstrate respect for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Rapport: Establishing rapport is the first step in offering a high-quality service as opposed to one that is hurried and impersonal. This can be demonstrated by the service provider greeOng the Indigenous person with warmth and friendliness, gefng to know them by asking which mob they belong to, and then outlining the service they need. Language: Since some indigenous people comprehend or don't know English, language barriers might prevent people from communicaOng effecOvely. General advice for overcoming language barriers and achieving successful communicaOon includes avoiding the use of jargon or complex words, making the most use of interpreters or translators, explaining the purpose of your quesOons, determining whether there is mutual understanding, explaining concepts using visual aids like diagrams, models, DVDs, and images, and exercising cauOon and respect for tradiOonal languages. Service providers should use facial expressions and body language in addiOon to spoken communicaOon. Time: For Aboriginal and TSI people, rapport and relaOonships are more significant than scheduled or allocated Omes. Therefore, pressuring Indigenous people to keep appointments or rushing to fit in given Ome can sour relaOons and disrupt communicaOon. As a result, being accommodaOng with schedules and not being late for appointments shows respect for indigenous values, which eventually fosters relaOonships and saOsfies needs. keeping in mind appropriate Otles, eye contact, and personal space. A sign of respect includes being mindful of tradiOonal beliefs, such as not making eye contact and referring to elders as "uncle" or "aunty" regardless of blood relaOonship. Following these customs exemplifies respeceul verbal and nonverbal communicaOon strategies for Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people. (Government Queensland, 2015.) Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 11 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
b) IdenOfy situaOons that would require interpreters, colleagues, or support workers to act as cultural brokers. When there is a language barrier, interpreters are used to translate between service providers and Aboriginal peoples. Since there is understanding of the care being delivered or the plan of care, this help facilitates successful communicaOon. Coworkers with superior communicaOon skills or a deeper comprehension of Aboriginal and TSI culture can serve as cultural brokers. This will opOmise good interacOons between an indigenous paOent and a health service by bridging the cultural divide through effecOve and posiOve communicaOon. Support staff have access to informaOonal resources and may connect indigenous people with culturally appropriate specialists, programmes, and care services. Support workers are seen as important cultural brokers because they link indigenous people to all forms of assistance that they require. Support workers are seen as important cultural brokers because they link indigenous people to all forms of assistance that they require.Name two tacOcs that help staff members and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communiOes form strong partnerships.1. Making ensuring that, in order to maximise saOsfacOon and guarantee the effecOveness of a contact, communicaOon is parOcipatory, clear, brief, and culturally appropriate. This entails uOlising tools like interpreters and cultural liaisons to interact with Aboriginal and TSI peoples in an efficient manner. 2. Establishing sincere and meaningful connecOons rather than ones that are shallow and tokenisOc. ensuring the development of relaOonships based on the life, customs, and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. (CDSS, 2022) c) IdenOfy two strategies that support the development of effecOve partnerships between staff and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communiOes. 1. Making ensuring that, in order to maximise saOsfacOon and guarantee the effecOveness of a contact, communicaOon is parOcipatory, clear, brief, and culturally appropriate. This entails uOlising tools like interpreters and cultural liaisons to interact with Aboriginal and TSI peoples in an efficient manner. 2. Establishing sincere and meaningful connecOons rather than ones that are shallow and tokenisOc. ensuring the development of connecOons based on the life, customs, and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and fostering the earning of their trust. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 12 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
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d) IdenOfy three resources to promote partnership with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (For example, ReconciliaOon Australia’s website). collaboraOng with communiOes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, (Website). Proivides informaOon on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and social reality, hence promoOng partnership via educaOon and awareness of the culture. (Australian Indigenous Workers, 2020) Aussies United (website, in-person instrucOon, and frameworks) Through storytelling and conveying history, present treatment, and future prospects, a group of first naOons and non-indigenous people work together to educate the public. This develops partnership via educaOon and awareness of the indigenous culture. (United Australians, 2022). NSW Health's Wingara series of seminars on Aboriginal health: A series of seminars that clarifies concerns pertaining to Aboriginal health. By offering educaOon and insight, it seeks to raise the calibre of care given by all NSW Health employees and to foster a beMer understanding of Aboriginal health and culture. (Health NSW, 2019) e) Explain how your strategies will promote and enables self-determinaOon and community control in programs and services. The goal is to create a safe and encouraging atmosphere that the indigenous people may use through true rapport, good communicaOon, and both. By using such a vital service, which they are likely to keep using because of the assistance provided, general health and community control over sexual health issues will be improved. The techniques of rapport- building and construcOve communicaOon will lead to the achievement of self- determinaOon since knowledge is gained and applied to new circumstances. Having knowledge will provide one the comfort and confidence to take charge of such a crucial aspect of their health. NaOve Americans and TIS people will feel empowered since they will have a say in the framework's development and yearly revision. They can always offer feedback, and each visit will be followed up with a brief quesOonnaire to encourage them to do so. Because of their involvement, they have complete authority over the decision- making process regarding their care as well as control over the treatment they receive. 4. Evalua2on Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 13 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
a) Using the SMART model idenOfy how the drag framework strategies will be measured against the desired outcomes explained in the framework purpose. EffecOve communicaOon- Includes being aMenOve to the paOent's needs at all Omes, using plain, straigheorward English, and using interpreters if English is not the paOent's first language. Measurable: Each disOnct communicaOon point that needs to be focused on can have its feedback quanOfied using a simple 5-point raOng system with pictures of emoOve faces (very sad, sad, neutral, happy, extremely happy). This can be observed by asking the paOent for input and gauging their level of saOsfacOon with the parOcular communicaOon method through a 5-point raOng system. Achievable: It is quite possible to guarantee efficient communicaOon while a paOent is uOlising the service. Relevant: To guarantee that overall health outcomes are met, effecOve communicaOon is necessary. Time-bound: Each month, feedback is examined. Every year, during the yearly review, these reviews are discussed and documented. Building rapport - ParOculars: Being hospitable and kind, remaining imparOal and nonjudgmental, being affable, showing tolerance for cultural differences, and making sure interpreters are employed where English is not the naOve tongue. Measurable: Customer saOsfacOon can be gauged by using a simple 5-point raOng system using images of emoOve faces (very sad, sad, neutral, pleased, and extremely happy). recording aMendance as well as the rate of re-aMendance. Inquiring if a new paOent was referred by an exisOng one. Achievable: It is quite possible to establish a sincere personal connecOon with paOents while they are uOlising the service. vital: TransgeneraOonal trauma within health service disconOnues is vital to ensuring that overall health outcomes are met. A sincere personal connecOon is also important. Time-bound: Each month, feedback is examined. These evaluaOons are documented and subsequently discussed inside the yearly review every twelve months. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 14 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
b) Explain how Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people will be involved in evaluaOons. - Explain the manner in which Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people will parOcipate in assessments. - arranging a fully financed picnic, lunch, or breakfast event where service consumers are invited to come and offer feedback (Forum) - SuggesOon boxes - requesOng evaluaOons from each visitor using a straigheorward three-emoOon scale or a raOng between 1 and 10 - Organise workshops for adolescents and young adults to acquire insights into the preferences and requirements of the intended audience. - releasing a newsleMer on a monthly basis detailing future services, events, and pop-up clinics, along with an engaging piece of wriOng that offers basic instrucOon c) Ager you submit this assessment, your assessor will provide you with feedback on your outcomes when they mark your assessment, any revisions will need to be incorporated into your presentaOon in Assessment three. Assessor Feedback: References/sources used Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 15 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
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Australian Commission for Health Care Safety and Quality. (2022). collaborating with others in a partnership. Taken from safety-and-quality-health-service-nsqhs-standards/resources-nsqhs-standards/user-guide- aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-health/action-213-working-partnership on May 22, 2022. Health New South Wales. (2019). Wingara: Seminar Series on Aboriginal Health - Aboriginal Health. taken from wingara.aspx on May 24, 2022...Queensland Health Department, Queensland Government. (2015). Effectively communicating with Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders. from communicating.pdf ; retrieved May 22, 2022.collaborating with Australian aboriginal people (2022) Concerning This Website. taken from http:// on May 23, 2022.Title of document: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro_2of3 Page 15 of 15.PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro_2of3 is the resource ID. Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 16 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3
Assessment feedback NOTE: This sec:on must have the Teacher/Assessor and student signature to complete the feedback. If you are submiIng through the TAFE NSW online learning plaBorm, your Teacher/Assessor will give you feedback via the plaBorm. Assessment outcome SaOsfactory UnsaOsfactory Assessor feedback Has the assessment declaraOon for this assessment event been signed and dated by the student? Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work? Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event? If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document. Comments : Assessor name, signature and date Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome Would you like to make any comments about this assessment? Student name, signature and date RUQAYYA ABDU 15/6/2024 Document Otle: CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3 Page of 17 17 Resource ID: PRJ0011582_CHCDIV002_AE_Pro2of3