The researcher developed the educational video as an eight-minute educational video with a PowerPoint
and voice over. The educational video was then posted to the researcher’s Malaria education project
YouTube channel and then linked into the survey tool via Google Forms. The educational video’s content
came from the Malaria Chapter in the International Travel and Health textbook, the World Health
Organization’s ABCDE for Malaria Protection, and the Centers for Disease Control Information for
Travelers and Providers on Malaria. The World Health ABCDE for prevention of Malaria is as follows, be
aware of the risk, avoid being bitten, take proper chemoprophylaxis, immediately seek diagnosis and
treatment, and finally avoid outdoor activities in environments where one could be bitten (WHO, 2019).
The objective of the educational video was to understand the personal risks for contracting Malaria and
describing the primary preventative methods for Malaria in travelers. Once the educational PowerPoint
and video were developed, the tools were evaluated by the scholarly project advisor and the global
health expert. The educational video can be viewed at the following link