Lab worksheet



Florida International University *

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Oct 30, 2023





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g Differences hetween Streams Name: Section: Course: Date: The basic principles listed above control how all streams work, but those prinaples may be displayed in diflerent ways by different streams. Ihe result & that streams like those in Hgures 11.1a and 11.1b may appear to be acling quite differently from one another. Look carefully at the streams in Figure 1.1 and compare the Yellowstone River and Lhe River Cuckmere based on the questions below. () Which stream has the wider channel? Rivey (uckmore (b) Which stream has the broader valley? N E\low%mfl( Lwer (€) Which stream has the more clearly developed valiey walls? _Mellowsmpe twvey (d) Describe the relationship between valley width and channel width for both sireams, VR - ¥ xaved widin 5 pyoader Aan cnonnel wickh RC_- e valey aidin end cnonnet wiclin e eghal. (€) Which stream has the straighter channel? NeWowSrane ey Which has a more sinuous (meandering) channel? ey cuchmone () Which stream appears to be flowing faster? Jeilowstone giver Whal evidence did you use 1o determine this? INasca deepey foimivg a Aetpey ALY WA means 1+ FI0WS” 4R1 £6 enabie (- Seoke Ve 1Caly (eeper - (g) Which streamn appears Lo be flowing more steeply downhill? Je\CwsStone giver
Date: In this exercise, you will use the maps in FIGURES 11.4, 115, and 11.6. Approximate mile measurements to the nearest tenth of a mile FIGURE 11.4 Part of the Bighorn River in Wyoming (Manderson and Orchard Bench 7. 5 quadrangles) A 7 B ! [ i - | | - g 5 - e M [y \ F " T { T D ¥ o~ v = LR S J . 8, z \ v : > R =B & [ LA ) & | . } \ g A 8 ji0 of Y y x 3 - g { £ / \ - > \ 17 e i " P > { i 2 i 2 AN { i = = s 4 © ) 1 A X oy —— \ p R\ A Wit N % / 4 2 { L] e H- P - f ( \ 1 P ¢
) Whit & e appaarees (eissorerap betwren a T, _ AS the Streams Qadiens decreasces 1S Stnaudy Aerds :X(J \NCICase | (e versa ) et thes ot hess on 11w G fove of Nesw York d the Casro Lakers aves of idare - - ; Vesry sthape (V ot e or o weth flt ] e e Camtrn L area. - ey | srwamas | streamc-o T T ] A imaww o-. [ 0.5 (ilma ou 1) BB TR R B et S A Valley wilth (=) | 1.5 OIS Crume excarnisty s votey | 1 foor et et (cvt) [0 Vmite (5.0 528 | Sramy h [ O sy g iee - ipOOF 3 (10633 (| GO M| lergh | | J 1) D the streams in Tigures 115 and 116 support your hypathesss about the relatonship between snuosty and gradert” Explan Jes - {6044 e apares e et sty e ey webtchore et t? vosey widin | croone! wWeHn on o The SHaighicy e SHICOM | ane Oucy Ane The Qieaicy Ane_SWOouUsITY, e _Greoucq Hn€ valey ui T Ape SToler (1) What & the apprent relationship between stresm gradient and the shape of a stream valley? The Droacker and wicler ane Sivcam Valley dinjchannat welin cano cvger Ine_arochent o ane _Sieepey dne vaheu the 9 ne Sfli\(‘h ek -
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| pe— (a) Compare the course of the Bighorn River between points A and B with that of its tributary between points Cand D (Fig. 11.4). [ill in the table below. Note: To measure the true total channel length, especially when it meanders, you can use a ruler or string. With a ruler, measure each straight segment separately, recording each length, and then add them up at the end and convert to miles using the scale on the map. With string, trace the river and tape down the string at each place where it bends. At the end, remove the tape, straighten the string, and measure the length of string you used. Bighom River Unnamed tributary Channel length (miles) BN ES. = 2 D IIn Y yoenes |22\ Channel length divided by straight line length | Straight-line length (miles) Low Sinuosity (no units) k‘ \%Y-‘ 3go £+ Highest elevation minus lowest elevation (feet) Highest elevation* (feet) Lowest elevation® (feet) 3850 44.|z550+4" e 20 lees. 200 feet - Gradient® (feet per mile) Vertical drop divided by channel length 21 m]m‘\ 126 £4. | m *Streams aren’t considerate; they don't begin and end on contour lines. Scan the entire stream looking for and estimating the highest and then the lowest point on each stream. Then calculate the vertical drop and gradient. reasonng, vagn ACr . Now apply whit you've learmed 10 the photogy s of the strearms in figures 11,1 and 1.3 () Wich protably s the steeper gradiert. the River Cuckmese cr the Yellowstone Rver? Expiain your Jelowsicne Qwer | pecayse i () Which of the streams in Figure 1.3 probiably has the steepest radiert? The gentlest gradient? Explan yous reasonng, The twey 0N ne 1efy.
m Features Identifying Stre Name: S Section: Course: Date: FIGURE 11.9 depicts a topographic map of the St Francis River in Arkansas and Mississippi, as well as ¢ ing P! i portion of the Mississippi River. Label one example of each of the following stream erosional anc D, & nder scar depositional features on the map: valley, channel, meander, point bar, oxbow lake, and mea FIGURE 11.9 The St. Francis River in Arkansas and Mississippi.
Name: Course: Comparing Stream Vallays Section: Date: FIGURES 11.11 and 11.12 show two meandering streams, each of which balances energy use differently between vertical and lateral erosion FIGURE 11.11 Meadow River, West Virginia. g M sk bl 2,
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FIGURE 11.12 Arkansas River near Tulsa, Oklahoma. | T 3 & , & = ANSAS (O
(a) Draw a profile for each stream along line A-A". Use only index contour lines. Note: Section 9.8 1in Chapter 9 contains detailed instructions for creating topographic profiles Meadow River, West Virginia 1800 -~ 1,750 1,700 1650 1,600 feet 1,550 1500 + 1450 1400 wWest cos - (b) Which stream do you think is doing the most lateral erosion? Explain your answer. The Arndnsas gaer 15 anid dong lddecail CYosIOn, Anfoughn meanctciing . s () Which stream do you think is doing the most vertical erosion? Explain your answer. The decdow Tler beause fne Con\OUY WNES alicw LS Y0 1AMy ine Quen)d *Ooo%YaPh‘in ard bGasc ca ane sall (oniour gaps @ bocienng A€ Yioer onanney W formy 4 V-Smpech Yaued -
o th a colored pel . pencil, trace one of the tributary streams feeding directly into the Missouri River from 2north. With the s o ( N the same pendil, trace the tributaries that flow directly into that stream, and then the Jutaries ol those smaller streams. Remember the ‘rule of V" (see Chapter 9) as you trace the been traced aller stream: s 10 their headwaters. As an example, a segment of one small stream has red on the map th a different ¢ . ent colored pendil, trace an adjacent tributary of the Missouri, and trace its tributaries in n. Repe peat for more streams and their tributaries on the north side of the Missouri River, using a ferent color for each stream. Missouri. Now, again with a drainage basins for each master h drainage basin with a din red 1 have just outlined most of the drainage on the north side of the ferent colored pencil, trace the divides Lhat separate the individual eam. This should be easy because you've already identified streams in eac ‘i:::]:olor An example of this step has been done in blue for the stream segment tracel p. te i te that some drainage divides are defined sharply by narrow ridges, but others that lie within dal d upland areas, where most of the headwaters are located, are more difficult to trace. \at drainage pattern is associated with the Mississippi River drainage basin in Figure 1 1.13? What es that tell you about the materials that underlie the central part of the United States? The Missisipt River dawnaqe bS5 6 dendydic_padta N, WNCH \0CkS. WKe . e orcincning O8 f6OfS e (L Cenial SHYeam. Ans N pens wnen Ane Yook ocneain Ane seams exaiey calally ardl oSy, such o) *\gw(oug or ScAhimeniary Yok WA No Saanen s,
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Drainage Basins and Drainage Divides Name: Section: Course: Date: - FIGURE 11.15 is a map showing several tributaries on the north and south sides of the Missouri River near Jefferson Gity, Missouri. One large tributary, the Osage River, joins the Missouri from the south, near the eastern margin of the map, but mast of the tributaries on the north side are much smaller FIGURE 11.15 Divides in the drainage of the Missouri River near Jefferson City, Missourl. SAN § DRSS
Estimating Potentiai Fiood Probiems Section: pate: Name: Course: The streams shown on maps throughout this chapter are all subject to flooding, but the potential problems faced by cities along the banks of different streams are not the same. In this exercise, you will use the maps from this chapter to answer the following questions about potential problems caused by floods. (a) Refer to the maps in Figures 11.9, 11.11, and 11.12. For which of these streams would a flood 20 feet higher than the current stream channel cause damage to human-built structures and roads? In each case, describe what would happen. MSsoure Zwey anct Blgnan Qe | C00sSe oSk ardt deprs N, wesn axx voceds and oo | anct Aeposit sechmnss O roadS and NSOHUVC leocing 16 dowuonn and anipufaRa) dSTP RS - (b) Describe the potential effect of a flash flood that raised the level of the Bighorn River (see Fig. 11.4) 20 feet above its banks. Estimate and describe the areas that would be affected. NS wouid Indunciale \awAUG acas | dera) OMES | WEVES IO ¢ ASYUQY oS CofONcr , onct DoSC a YISk G WY W e wwnimnechale fWevbonk & Vicinity (e) What structures have been built in the Missouri River floodplain that could be destroyed or made unusable in a flood in which the river ros 20 feet? How would the loss of these structures affect relief efforts? rares | pon\Aigs | farmiand | cic . il be Aesvaued hampeving Yewes ctfeas ol Asplocing yesicent ¥, HSYPing STTUCCS, and MprThng CAYGANC - YeRgonse -
""NT—W D . ou : . Geneseo Airport on the east bank of the Genesee River (see Fig. =) have to be evacuated if water rose 20 feet? Explain. i _\]('i -',,b"(UUY(' 4\0(‘ rl\j)——\:( ) m\(fl 7?*(:’1‘ \/ 0 (oot and casc clemage - Compare the topographic map of the Missouri River with the recent satellite image of the same area in FIGURE 11.18. What kind of Information relevant to flooding potential does the map provide? What information does the satellite image add? e Sccadt PiCAvic: Presans Ane AopoJrChud OF 4h€ HISSoUIL WY near Jldersan Ciy - We are oS4 QuOWC Ok dre cvanaac Syswm i high avees, ot ficmarcdts N ants ap s 0ot dhere (s MHIC nowladge QO e resdenhal @rCas OCTY Are Y neay (wers, Te Scuctiie mq\\,(y uS Mac INfaimMaticn N the OCatan . The vaney § v s acy ool pans anctt we can sce e Atsrvibut @ Y ok cormpnun ¥1€J N e freisan (Y. We N Sec how NUMany compacs Qoo sman saeans Secn Os he, WeTHs . Caeh Qa (fl\v((-m“ Anipu ke 40 ne HISSGUIL wWer . Tree v e alss resicen-aal AcQd nCTY e FIveY such as ceche Cr¥Y \D AN iddic 0F xne Sweam Vol
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FIGURE 11.18 Topographic map (top) and satellite image (bottom) of the Missouri River near Jefferson City, Missouri. ey . O Tl 1) gy T 1 TS WL L 3
F IGURE 11.6 Casino Lakes, Idaho (7.5' quadrangle). ———— | 3 | LA o - 3 as e | = :76.‘7741,,‘1.r rN} f Comour interval = 40 lest 8 | ¥ | al - { o | } ; = | f 1= L4 ol | 2% 3 A . P » | v " A - F ( 1 f Wby * ) I ] i / : { s / / ) ) ST —HR L SAWTOOTH NATIPNALFOREST] 1 ] » | | \ Do » | Y 7 , | 8L~ | | | ; wo J | - { L& A

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