edTPA Task 4 Learning Segment Lesson Plan



Liberty University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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EDUC 323 ED TPA T ASK 4: L EARNING S EGMENT L ESSON P LAN T EMPLATE D AILY L ESSON P LAN T EMPLATE P RELIMINARY I NFORMATION Candidate Name: Amber Brooks Grade Level: 5th Candidate’s Endorsement: Elementary Education Central Focus: Write and evaluate expressions with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Subject/Topic: Write and evaluate expressions Learning Segment Theme: Write and evaluate expressions Where in the learning segment does this lesson occur? Beginning Middle End Lesson Structure or Grouping: Whole Class Small Group 1:1 Other (specify): Click or tap here to enter text. Student Assets (Knowledge of Students) Complete this section if you are in a practicum setting. If you are not in a practicum setting, please list N/A. Personal (Interests, family backgrounds, experiences, etc.) This class block is made up of 20 students, both male and female students. There are multiple family structures, single parents, married parents, and foster parents. Most students live with both parents. Five of the students have a parent in the military. Three of the students are in Discovery Math. One-third of the class are in an extracurricular activity outside of school (soccer, baseball, and gymnastics). Cultural (Traditions, dialects, worldview, literature, arts, etc.) Majority of the students speak only English. There are three students that are ELL, one of them not being able to speak any English and only Spanish. Half of the class attends a Christian church weekly. The other half either addends a church of different denomination or do not attend at all. More than half the class qualifies for free or reduced breakfast/lunch. Community (Landmarks, community events, etc.) This town is located in Southern Georgia, about 18 miles from the Florida state line. There are many small rural towns surrounding the area. There is a university and a trade school located in town. The town is home to an Air Force base with employs many of the parents. The capital it about 3 hours away. Developmental (Cognitive, physical, social, and emotional) The students in this class work well together during group activities. They use whiteboards to show answers and will help others when they see it is needed. C ONTENT S TANDARDS State Standards 5.NR.3.3 Model and solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators. 5.NR.3.4 Model and solve problems involving multiplication of a fraction and a whole number. Page 1 of 5
EDUC 323 National Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.A.1 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.B.4 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction. InTASC Standards Standard #6: Assessment-The teacher engages learners in multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge and skill as part of the assessment process. Standard #8: Instructional Strategies-The teacher continuously monitors student learning, engages learners in assessing their progress, and adjusts instruction in response to student learning needs. L EARNING O BJECTIVE ( S ) These must be behavioral and measurable. Statements of what students will know, understand, and be able to do at the end of the lesson (consider all three domains). Include condition, performance, and criterion. Launch: Given 3 different problem, the student will be able to place the parentheses in the correct spot and work the equation. Learning Target: “I can compare and evaluate expressions with parentheses. Vocabulary: Compare, evaluate, expression, parentheses. B EGINNING : L AUNCH /H OOK /A NTICIPATORY S ET How will you get the lesson started? What questions, texts, inquiry, modeling, and/or other techniques will you use to engage students? At the beginning of the class, the students will work on their “math 4 today”. Afterwards I will show them a problem that states “3/5 of the sum of 1/6 and 2/5” This will be a new way of seeing math problems written out in this way. They will take turns to try and form an equation. M IDDLE : I NSTRUCTIONAL S TRATEGIES TO F ACILITATE S TUDENT L EARNING For example: How will you engage students with ideas/texts to develop understanding? What questions will you ask? How will you promote question generation/discussion? What activities will you use to engage students in learning—for individuals, small groups, or the whole class? How will you incorporate technology? How will you address the academic language demands? Detail your plan. Note: For math lesson plans, please write or attach every task/problem that students will solve during the lesson—with the correct answers. Instruction/Modeling a. The students will use personal white boards to practice writing out equations that are written with words on the smartboard. b. There will be an anchor chard with commonly used Page 2 of 5
EDUC 323 words for each operation (ex: sum, difference, of, double, quotient, etc.) c. The students will hold up their whiteboards to show the answer. Guided Practice The students will work to write out equations with parentheses and different key terms for operations. They will race other classmates to get the correct answer. Independent Practice The students will be directed to work in their math book and answer question 1-6. Once the teacher has checked the completed work, the students will do their exit ticket and turn that in to be graded. E ND : C LOSURE How will you end the lesson in a way that promotes student learning and retention? The students will complete an exit ticket at the end of the lesson. The exit ticket is in their book and it contains 5 questions on it. E VIDENCE AND A SSESSMENT OF S TUDENT L EARNING How will you know whether your students are meeting your learning objective? What tools will you use to measure their progress? How will you provide feedback to promote student learning? Diagnostic/Pre-assessment(s) (could be prior to the lesson) The students use personal dry erase boards to hold up and show answers. Formative Assessments/ Feedback to Learners (part of the activities in the lesson) Viewing the students’ personal whiteboards. Guiding students with textbook work. Summative Assessments (matches the objective) Exit ticket- determine the correct placement of parentheses and evaluate the expressions with 80% accuracy. A CADEMIC L ANGUAGE D EMANDS Language Demand(s) Parentheses, evaluate, expression, sum, difference, times, quotient. Students will work through problems with key terms to solve the expressions. Language Support(s) The teacher will provide key terms on an anchor chart that is viewable for students. The teacher will also pass out a paper with important terms that students keep in there binder. Essential Vocabulary Sum, difference, times, double, quotient, increases, split. LU SOE S PECIFIC L ESSON R EQUIREMENTS Page 3 of 5
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EDUC 323 Character Education Evaluate, order, stewardship. Students must keep their workspace organized and evaluate the needed materials for each section. They will be responsible to be prepared for class. Materials Smartboard personal dry erase boards marker/eraser pencil workbook personal Chromebook Technology Connection The use of a Smartboard will be used to display PowerPoint slides for whiteboard exchange and math 4 today. Students will use their Chromebooks to work on Reflex in Google Classroom if time permits. C ONSIDER THE F OLLOWING Q UESTION FOR THE NEXT SECTION OF THIS F ORM : How will you support students to meet your goals? Describe EXPLICITLY what you will do! List planned supports (instructional strategies, learning tasks and materials, and other resources deliberately designed to facilitate student learning of the central focus). Planned Supports PowerPoint slides with math problems Anchor chart with key vocabulary terms Whiteboards to show understanding of the concept. S UPPORTS : D IFFERENTIATION /E XTENSION How will you provide successful access to the key concepts by all the students at their ability levels? Exceptionalities (special needs [IEPs/504 plans], gifted and talented, accommodations, etc.) For the students that have visual impairments, they will be allowed to sit closer to the Smartboard For the 5 SPED students, the Para will work with them to provide understanding. She will talk through the problems with simpler terms. ELL Two of the ELL students are able to read and understand English so they will not need additional support. One ELL student will have a worksheet that I will translate to Spanish. Learning Styles/Student Engagement The students have flexible seating and are able to move to a seat that suits their needs. There are guided worksheets for students with kinesthetic needs. Page 4 of 5
EDUC 323 Extension Click or tap here to enter text. R EFERENCES : R ESOURCES Cite all sources used in the development of the lesson materials and resources, including URLs or other references. No resources were used to develop this lesson plan. R EFERENCES : R ESEARCH TO S UPPORT I NSTRUCTIONAL D ESIGN Cite all research used to support instructional design, including URLs or other references. Common Core Standards -Grade 5 Math https://www.thecorestandards.org/Math/Content/5/NF/ GA State Standards –5th grade Math https://www.georgiastandards.org/Georgia-Standards/Pages/Math-K-5.aspx InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ccsso.org/sites/default/files/2017- 11/InTASC_Model_Core_Teaching_Standards_2011.pdf Page 5 of 5