William Ernest Henley

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    The poem “Invictus” by William Earnest Henley is a poem writen so that the audience could easily relate. This poem was written in the late 1800’s, but the meaning of this poem was so true back then and even is up to this day. Its giing hope that no matter how hard a trial becomes it can be overcome. It is a part of life, trials are given to make us stronger. Wheher we rise to the occasion or cower down is all a test to see our true potential. People who really understand this poem take the meaning

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  • Decent Essays

    Both Invictus and Evolution of a Criminal were both undefeated. Neither gave up or showed their emotions, they kept faith and had hope. No matter what they had been through, they didn’t let their situation stop them, they were determined to do what they had to do. Undefeated in this particular way means nothing could stop. You’re your own person and didn’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing you, no matter what the situation was. In the poem Invictus it stated “I am the master of my fate,

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  • Decent Essays

    composed by William Earnest Henley is an empowering poem that relates to an audience that must overcome any hardships in life. Henley himself faced such a test after he contracted tuberculosis of the bone at a young age, causing an infection when he was in his early twenties, resulting in the amputation of his leg below the knee. Whilst in hospital Henley wrote this

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  • Decent Essays

    “Invictus,” by William Henley, is a poem that points out a common ideology to hard workers; to maintain perseverance. With words like: “Out of the night that covers me,” “I have not winced nor cried aloud,” and “I am the master of my fate, I am the master of my soul;” it becomes a fact that words like these regurgitate the min of the readers to be strong and not give up in hope. Hence, creates a picture of the overall poem from the transition of hardship to the last statements of confidence.

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  • Decent Essays

    Invictus by William Earnest Henley contains a multitude of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. The poem’s influential message is expressed these elements of speech. The use of figurative language, imagery and symbolism in Invictus revolve around the theme that a person is in charge of their own fate. Many metaphor, similes and personification flow throughout the poem; they help enrich the images and feelings that Henley describes. The first metaphor Henley uses is “Out of the night that

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  • Decent Essays

    As Iain Duncan Smith, a British politician, once exclaimed, “Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man.” In William Ernest Henley’s poem “Invictus,” he demonstrates the strength of a person to keep going despite all odds. Determination is the key for surviving through any kind of situation. Diction describes the rebellions that continue fighting over the control of the body. For example, regardless of the torture, the speaker has “not winced nor cried aloud” (6). By not giving any reactions

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  • Decent Essays

    The concept of invulnerability has been exalted for centuries in numerous societies through oral tradition and, later on, written word. Two western cultures had legends about invulnerability and the characters’ true weakness behind their strength. Up in the north, we have the Norse myth of the god Balder, a young god who dreams of his death causing his family to take measures into their own hands. Along the Mediterranean, we had the Greek epic poems of Achilles’, the prized champion of the Trojan

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  • Decent Essays

    “Invictus” is a lyrical poem that anticipates the audience to be those that persevere in the face of adversity. The lyrical poem contains four quatrains with a rhyme scheme: ABAB CHCH EFEF GBGB, an iambic foot rhythm and iambic octameter. Despite being written in the late 1800’s, it is one of the eminent poems in world literature, as the prominence of the poem is not only timeless but will always be relevant to the past, present and future. Through Henley’s manipulation of the poetic elements; figurative

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  • Decent Essays

    “Still I Rise” written by Maya Angelou and “Invictus” written by William E. Henley, both share the theme of being strong even when all odds seem against one. However, both poets struggles are experienced in different ways. Henley’s struggle is inner while, Angelou is outer and how people see her. Overall, both poets still manage to somehow stay strong even in the faces of fears. “Still I Rise” written by Maya Angelou, explores the theme of Angelou’s strength and how nothing anyone says will be able

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    William Ernest Henley is an outstanding person and an astonishing writer. He has a perplexed way of putting his words together. “Henley published several books of poetry, but he is best remembered for the poem “Invictus”, which reflects his resilient struggle with the deadly disease” (Diniejko). “Invictus” is a very complex, and a truly remarkable poem. The word complex is used because for many people that read this poem might not understand the feeling that William Henley is trying to send through

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