research the possibilities as soon you determine which university you would like to attend. Getting an education is extremely important. Most employers will not consider hiring anyone without a college degree. There are many fields available to choose from and it is never too late to return or begin your college education. If you are still in high school this is the perfect time to be considering what you would like to have a career in. Often times working a part time job or volunteering is the perfect
I look for in a college is a low student-to-teacher ratio and an accessible faculty willing to work with students. I believe faculty accessibility plays a key role in helping to inspire students to be passionate about their fields of study and in preventing them from growing
When someone hears the term “higher education” the first thought tends to be college, of course. College has always been thought of as the one-way ticket to a high salary occupation. The reality of the situation is that while that may be true in some cases, it’s not as easy at it seems to receive that ticket aka the Bachelor’s degree. College tuition is a large amount and it’s even more expensive to attend college only to drop out. This leaves the student with no degree and vast amounts of debt.
September Eleventh Forever Changed My World It was an early autumn morning in early September in the year of 2001. The day started off like any other at that time of the year, getting up really early in the morning, cursing the gods because high school had to start so early. After eventually waking up enough to drive into school, I would fly down the road picking up all my friends and then all of us having to run into the building because we tried to milk those last minutes of sleep every morning
freedom during their high school experience. However, what one desires is not what is best. High school is a place where students get ready for college, and sadly, many are not ready. An extra year for students in high school will give them an opportunity to become prepared for college. For many students, four years of high school is not enough for college. Extending high school to five years would allow students to have a looser schedule, and allow them to be economically and mentally ready. Most
university would also benefit from me. As aforementioned, I am exceptionally strong in critical reading, writing, and linguistics. In high school I am the go-to girl for editing essays, and I would be more than willing to uphold my position throughout college. I also would serve as a strong advocate for the importance of reading and writing in our educational system by joining writing/reading clubs and tutoring fellow students and local children in the art of the English written word. More importantly
The last external strategy I would use is social media advertising. The strategy of going to college campuses has its strengths and weaknesses. One strength that could happen is that by appealing to students who are basically ready to graduate and begin their life, they'll hear of your company and want to apply to it. This will gather a larger amount
Many students, including myself are entering college for the first time in our lives. They experience things alien to them and have to deal with an exorbitant amount of anxiety and stress. A major stressor that stands out is learning the academic way of thinking. Reading rhetorically and writing in a formal and academic manner are terms that, until now, were entirely foreign to me. At the high school level, many students are not exposed to these processes. Plain and simple, they just don’t experience
General Education Courses: No Need for Them General Education courses may be one of the most hated requirements in college by students. These courses are required amongst all college students regardless of one’s major or minor. General Education courses may vary with schools but usually consist of: the arts and humanities, social science, natural science, mathematics, and writing. These courses should be optional; students should be able to take them at their own interest such as with elective
The fourth choice was a college graduate, the fifth choice refused to answer and the last option was don’t know. There were a total of 7,326 participants in this survey, only a total of 10 of them answered refused or don’t know. The majority of them 36% was a college graduate, 29.9% had some college, 24.6% was a high school graduate and only 9.3% of them had less than high school. The last question I used in my