when asked about the level of pain he was experiencing he replied with a 9 out of 10, when checked during the interview his wound was bleeding. His vital signs were taken the next morning at 0500 and they were: Blood pressure 120/60mmHg, Pulse 50 Beats/minute, temperature 37c and respiratory rate 14breaths per minute. At 1005 the same morning his vitals were taken again they were: Blood pressure 150/70mmHg, Pulse 110 Beats/minute, temperature 37.1c and respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute. Mr O’Brien
Australian Catholic University. This role play is about the vital signs. Now, I am going to write a reflective write about the video of my role play of TPR which is a part of assignment and done by me and my other two friends. Firstly, in my video when I play a nurse role, first of all I asked about the patient’s condition such as how are you today. I also make the eye contact while taking to patient. But this is my first time to take vital signs. I found more challenging than my expectations while
Creating a flowchart can help members of a team understand how a workflow process works and also reduce unnecessary steps. By making a protocol appear simpler and easier to follow, the organization can help nurses be more consistent with the protocol and therefore improve patient outcomes. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (n.d.), a flowchart helps provide a visual aspect of the workflow by “conveying the sequence and interactions of activities and tasks and thus clarifying
signal that one is alive. In her essay, “The Pain Scale,” Eula Biss talks about how the four vital signs used to determine the health of a patient are “blood pressure, temperature, breath, and pulse.” She also adds that it has “recently been suggested that pain be considered a fifth vital sign” (175). This quote illustrates that pain is necessary to the human experience. Because pain can be considered a vital sign, it is important to note that although at times difficult to endure, pain is a marker
is shadowing. The student was asked to monitor vitals during a knee surgery. The patient was given Halothane and the surgery began. After two hours in surgery, the patient, who was a young athletic female named Sharon Riley, began to show signs of distress. This patient’s temperature elevated to 105 °F and pulse began to rise up to 120 bpm, and her blood pressure began to drop down to 60/56 mmHg. This triggers the monitors alarm because normal vitals for this patient were a temperature of 98.6 °F
with preconference; Ms. O described what we would be doing throughout the day, which was infection control, safety, and vital signs (#C1, #C4, #C6, #C10). With infection control, hand washing is the most important aspect. As nurses and healthcare professionals, we will encounter numerous individuals. To ensure that we do not contaminate another client and ourselves, it is vital for us to wash our hands (#C4, #C6). With safety, we were taught that it was crucial to ensure that you are performing care
radiograph technique. Her weakness was the treatment process and time management. For the treatment process, she did not know that after going over medical history with her new patient, she also needed to complete vital sign before signing for check. I showed her where to record patient’s vital signs and helped her to key in the numbers in the Dentrix Note Page.
well-groomed appropriate weight elderly black man sitting upright and breathing without difficulty. Mr. C walk with a slight limp. Mr. C does not use a cane. Mr. C is slow to rise from his seated position and appears to have some discomfort. Vital signs Height: (without shoes) 5’ 10”. Weight: (dressed) 160lbs. BMI: 22.96. BP: 110/70 (right arm supine) HR: 70. RR 16. Temperature (oral) 98.6F. Skin Nail without cyanosis or clubbing, palms good character warm and moist. HEENT: 1. Head: Normocephalic/atraumatic
recording vital signs, blood glucose levels and doing a urine analysis. I’ve chosen to reflect on taking vital signs and how I performed them. Reflection is a very important part of learning from experiences which is essential in nursing. Nursing practises continue to change and it is easier to go with and to add to that change if you are reflecting on your practise. This essentially makes nursing practises better for the patients. I have reflected on the process of how I took the vital signs during
enhances the continuity of nursing care through listing specific nursing action necessary to achieve the goals of care. CRITICAL EVALUATION Leadership and leadership style Personal life I have been able to influence the behaviours of other especially in my home in order to achieve my family’s members task and objective by employing a democratic style of leadership. I do not over manager or under-manage my family or personal affairs but have struck a balance towards doing that. One must