United Federation of Planets

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    positive results from their practices and teachings. The word scientology is taken from the latin scio, meaning knowing and the greek word logos meaning study of. It literally means knowing how to know. Scientology was founded in 1954 CE in the United States by Lafayette Ronald Hubbard who was an american science fiction writer. L Ron Hubbard believed he discovered the way out of the human dilemma of great social ills such as war, crime, drug addiction and depression. He wrote books on his ideas

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    The production of polyester is considered as planet polluting. Another substitute would be Organic cotton, which is pesticide free and tinted naturally. Hemp is also a good substitution for cotton. According to the Hemp Industries Association, hemp has fewer pesticides than cotton. Cotton, when blended

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    second world war. Then, after the world war II decided to replace the League of Nations by a new organization named the United Nations. Their main goals were maintaining international peace and security and to give a worldwide institutional structure through which states can here and there settle conflicts with less dependence on the utilization of power. The six main organs of the United Nations are the General Assembly, the Security Gathering, the Trusteeship Council, the Economic and Social Council

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    Star Trek Myths

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    This is an example of Star Trek taking real events from the past and breathing life back into them by retelling them in a utopian future. In Star Trek’s series “Deep Space Nine, the planet of Bajor, and its inhabitants, the Bajorans are like the Hebrew people of Earth, They had a central religion that kept them hopeful but also made them seem inferior. Instead of the Holocaust it is called “the occupation” and it ends with the death

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    The Star Trek franchise has been one of the largest and most successful in the history of Science-fiction. Its series of television programs has one of the most loyal and diverse fan bases in history. However, the most common source of debate among “Trekkies” is over which program deserves the title of “The Best”; Star Trek: The Original Series or Star Trek: The Next Generation. While the followings of both shows adamantly disagree with each other's claim to the title, these two shows have more

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    Americans Divided Essay example

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    care. I found that my beliefs, ideas and views tend to lean more towards the Democratic side, and will be focusing on supporting the democrat party on these three main issues in association to civil rights. Abortions are currently legal in the United States and many Democrats believe it should remain legal and that women have the

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    Essay about Farming The Tambopata Reserve

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    soybean production were undertaken in Tambopata, the crops would be raised under World Wildlife Federation and the Nature Conservancy’s guidelines of “Forest Friendly Soy” (Schnoecker, 2007). This means that at least eighty percent of farmers land must be preserved as forest to make up for the twenty percent farmed. The World Wildlife Federation recently awarded Paraguay with the “Leaders for a Living Planet” award in recognition of their “Zero Deforestation Law,” which prohibits the conversion of forested

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    Climate Change Former President of the United States, Barack Obama, once said that “No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.” In fact, scientific evidence for climate change is undeniable and the effects of climate change are beginning to be felt all around the world (“Global Climate Change”). Furthermore, evidence to support these claims for climate change can be found anywhere from the tops of mountains to ice cores drawn from the bottom of the earth. For

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    Many people remain oblivious to the seriousness of plastic pollution, a member of the Council of the British Plastics Federation and a Fellow of the Plastics Institute, stated that “Plastics litter is a very small proportion of all litter and causes no harm to the environment except as an eyesore”(Peña). “His comments not only illustrates how the deleterious environmental effects of plastics were entirely overlooked, but also that, apparently, even the plastics industry failed to predict the great

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    One of the most important and controversial environmental issues in the world today is the continual heating of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is felt that the increase of substantial amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere is associated with unpredictable climate and heat changes. It is often talked about that the primary reason why the global warming situation is increasing is due to the increase of the amount of greenhouse gases present in the Earth’s atmosphere, primarily the

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