Introduction: Divergent is an action film directed by Neil Burger. This film takes place in Chicago, which is placed in a futuristic world where society divides people into five factions based on their personalities. As each person grows up and becomes an adult they have to choose a faction which they will stay in for the rest of their lives. Beatrice Prior is the main character in Divergent and she changes a lot throughout the film, starting off as not knowing who she is and why she isn’t like
IGN: sexdolls (funny name i know haha) Where are you from? (E.g US or EU & timezone): US- Eastern Time. Age: 15 (Male/Female): Male Do you have Teamspeak/Skype?: ( A working Mic are required): Yes i have teamspeak, i am usually on in a staff afk or waiting room just sitting there roaming around in the server and listening to music waiting until a hacker comes along the server and jogs his way on here, I do have skype, but i do not use it as much i usually use skype for close friends, family
Can record in 720p+ At 100+fps:) Past Experience: I have done alot of screensharing in the past, Found alot of ghost clients. I have not been staff for awhile so I might need a refreshed memory. I can tackle alot of people at once like if a whole faction is in TS and
What is your Minecraft username? Privacyy What gamemode do you most frequently play on? Kits How many hours would you be able to contribute to the position per day? 5-8 Hours Per Day What strengths do you see in yourself that you could use to be a better Yay Mc helper? 1. One of my best assets that I could see me using to be a great helper is my patience and my knowledge of how to detect a hacker. I have noticed that many staff members are really unsure on if the person is hacking or is just really
Beatrice has an obligation to choose one of the factions that exist in the society. Thus, there are dauntless, Amity, abnegation, erudite and candor, each valuing different essentials in society. The faction system is a way of categorizing citizens for the wellbeing of the society, and each citizen is supposed to fit into one single faction. However, Beatrice turns out to be a divergent, which means that she has multiple qualities of each faction. As a divergent, she is feared as well as ignored
choose their faction. There are five factions with a personality type and those are Abnegation (selflessness), Amity (happiness), Candor (honesty), Dauntless (brave), and Erudite (knowledge). I do not think the factions represent every basic personality. There are some people like Tris who are just not one personality type. I think I would create one that could be for the people who failed the test or feel like they belong to more than one faction. The reason behind the creation of the factions was to
one, they make their way to the five metal bowls (each representing a different faction), then use a ceremonial knife to cut open their hand and let their blood drip into the bowl of the faction they want to continue life in. Each new initiate then stands in an area near the faction they decided on. Immediately shocked by her results from her aptitude test, Tris finds that she is actually Divergent, a faction shunned out from society for being unpredictable and dangerous. Petrified of losing
slaying enemies, completing quests, and networking with other players and non-player characters. In addition, open player versus player combat is a societal norm in which factions attack opposing factions at any given time. Throughout the game a character will develop an identity by communicating and interacting with the various factions present in game. While, at the same time creating numerous enemies in the effort to compete for diminishing resources which in turn increases the potential need for war
Divergent is a girl named Beatrice. Beatrice is developed throughout the book by having to do things that push her out of her comfort zone. Beatrice was born in the faction of Abnegation, where everything is simple and alike. Abnegation values selflessness, but Beatrice doesn’t feel like she is selfless. She decides to change to the faction of Dauntless, who values courage. Beatrice has to do things like jump off trains, and fight people to show she is courageous. She decides to start going byTris, because
her independence when making the choice to switch to the Dauntless faction, rather than staying in the Abnegation sector. Tris had always relied on her family to make decisions for her but when she is given a choice, she has to learn how to think and act for herself, something she has never